Do hot girls play Diablo 3 or MMORPG

:cn08: :cn08: :cn08: hv some water then think~~~

apparently we use different dictionaries

Wtf great move!
Start to use emoticon and act cute beg for sympathy
Good one! Pickachu :stuck_out_tongue:


Now curl up like a child and ask for rene’s face pix

I don’t like fish too! Hey let’s talk :stuck_out_tongue:




Smart women knows what they want. Ponder that

I am not hot, so I play D3 and wow:cn11:

ni hao wo xiang wei suo ni …{:5_137:}

You expressing your own fantasy right now?

you not hot, but are you a nerd? or kawaii?? care to expand

I’m not a hot girl, but I do play this kinda games.

why no one admit they are hot…


every human being like hot girl!

And your point is???

out of modesty I guess, lol.