Do hot girls play Diablo 3 or MMORPG

hot girls play draw something

"oh …you touch my ta-la-la, my ding-ding-dong"

I feel more aroused if you would say out loud in chinese {:5_136:}
Turn yourself on listening to tis tune,will ya? :stuck_out_tongue:

anyone play LOL?

get a job and make some money


wt is 吊丝 ?
btw, i m no one chick coz i aint hot enough :frowning:

i don’t know wor…my chinese is limted.

i felt like an alien here everyone talking abt
diu c diu c


I feel as troubled as you… i can understand canton terms but not prc terms. like some one called me SB before and i didn’t know what that ment…

打下中文先,係吾係好勁哩 :stuck_out_tongue:


i think i am cheating a bit i am using this check it out :stuck_out_tongue:

cher !
every pc got writting pad (if u can do how to write) lol

my writing is the department that lets me down.

and you have to bare in mind i did spend 3/4 of my life here

??? ng ming

I can’t write very well, I can read but don’t remember many of the words when trying to write


i see wt sch did u go to
they dun teach u anything