Do hot girls play Diablo 3 or MMORPG

I went to Bromsgrove school for prep school then high school i went to hutchesons’ grammar school.
Don’t think chinese is a subject they teach, and when i was in hk i went to HKIS. So not much chinese being taught there either

you suck dick for bum fun

ar_mi’s talkin dirty in my thread

which? Man i have to go soon… i have to go see a client, he is not happy… but i don’t even know how i am going to resolve the issue. panicking here

the pix thread…what? you gotta gon on site visit?

yep just finishing my pot noodle have a ciggy then go…

get yourself on chastity lock, client’s gonna bang your arse to vent his frustration

just smile n listen to wt he said
he probably just want someone to blame for

SHould have enough in Bromsgrove to teach u Chinese then

I am confuse how u went to HKIS and Bromsgrove (both for prep ?) + Hutchesons ?

went to hkis till p2, then went to uk bromsgrove lower school didn’t go to bromsgrove high cos i went to hutchesons’ instead

only if it is that easy… you wanna do my job?

yes pls lol

i c
thought u went back between 2 schools lol

i ma back and didn’t get raped …:slight_smile:

Got a good fxxk?

no, had to reboot server thats all but still didn’t find the under lining problem

welldone my darling

wt happened then ? did he bite u ?

No, luckly not as he is a big bloke… I managed to get there network up again. So there business is back in operation, but I still need to investigate the issue that is causing the network inconsistancy. But he was happy and appreicated I drove to see him.


would it be some server system problem here ?

u r lucky but i m not

i m suffering :frowning:




