
生于忧患、死于安乐。我就是会很有危机意识 {:5_134:}


楼主我觉得你在英国做HR的机会不是很多的, 毕业几年也没做HR,为啥学HR就一定HR,这就是你烦恼所在。

我做office manager通常兼hr的 ,不过不是工作重点

本科有office manager 这专业吗? 你刚毕业的时候应该去考大公司管培生才是正路。

专业叫做Human Resource Management




我在事业上已经不求有什么发展,重心没法放上面。也许再撑两年还得转part time,谁知道呢。







One of the big reasons to take a pay cut is if you’re switching industries. It may be worth a cut in pay “to gain a new set of skills and experiences that will broaden your skill set,” says Trellis Usher, founder of HR company T.R. Ellis Group. “It’s unreasonable to expect to receive top dollar when you move into a role where you have little to no experience. In these situations, it’s usually a longer-term play to take a cut in pay so you can make a significant jump in pay after 18 to 24 months.”

David Bakke of MoneyCrashers.com remembers when he took a pay cut a few years ago because he wanted to get out of the restaurant industry. “I was tired of all the long hours and weekend work,” he says. “My new position involved a salary cut of roughly 10%, but also afforded me more time to spend with family and friends. Plus, the health insurance benefit was better than at my restaurant position, and I had all major holidays off.” At the end of the day, you can’t expect one industry to meet the salary expectations of a totally different field.

Sometimes a new job offer is a fantastic opportunity, like if you are dying to work for a specific company, or you are miserable at your current job and have the chance to nab your dream gig. In her first job out of college, Annabelle Chung* was making $42,000 and expecting an annual bonus of about $10,000. She received another job offer at a startup, but the fledgling company couldn’t afford to match her prior salary. Not only was the new job offering only $35,000, it would require walking away from her bonus just a month before it came due.

All the same, Chung was beyond burnt out: “I would come home crying regularly and felt like I was losing a grip on who I was.” Although she was making a pretty good wage for a fresh college grad, she didn’t sense much potential for future growth. “I feared that if I stayed there any longer, I’d get pigeonholed and never be able to leave,” she says. “This new job was everything I was looking for. It was my dream job … except for the salary.”

In the end, she lost out on about $17,000, but finally felt free. “After making the switch, I felt doors opening up to me, and learned so much from the new position,” she says. She excelled at her new job, and as the company succeeded, she more than reclaimed her old salary—after only a few years, she was making nearly double what she had at the old gig.

{:5_134:} You can’t have your cake, and eat it!






楼主你英国可以工作的身份和你大学是学HR专业一毛钱关系都没有吧? 你怎么这么固执要搞HR呢? 人家安排你打印,印度人给你减9000镑工资,都是有原因的。





真的不理解你的逻辑,要求更多工作 还不要钱。除非你自己没能力,一封工资对等一封工作 , 这里的工作都有工资参考的