在2018年12月19日版(最新版)Appemdix FM Secrion1.0a 第58页找到这么一段话:
If the applicant has already completed 60 or 120 months in the UK with limited leave as a partner, they should be informed that, should the reason they do not meet the requirements for indefinite leave to remain be overcome, they will be eligible to make a further charged application for indefinite leave to remain at any time within the 30 month period of leave granted under paragraph D-LTRP.1.2. or D-ILRP.1.2. They do not need to wait until their leave expires if they become able to meet all the requirements. If not, they should make their next application no more than 28 days before their leave is due to expire, or within 28 days of completing the period of leave in the UK required for them to be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain.
这不就是在解释我这种情况吗?我去年就是因为不满足ILR条件而被给予30 months leave under paragraphs D-LTRP1.2.吗?那我现在满足了原先的条件后就是可以再次发起永居申请啊!
半年前已持有配偶类型签证满5年(2.5年unmarried partner,2.5年spouse),于是乎去签ILR,后因为financial要求没满足,被转成10年family life签证给30个月。
这周再次去签ILR(已满足financial要求),super priority service,今天收到信,又说不满足“已在family life类型下住满120个月”的条件!问题是,我们早在半年前已经满partner5年了,现在又满足其他所有配偶转永居的条件,应该是要给ILR的!这跟目前持有何种签证并没有关系吧?!
最傻逼的是信里说虽然不满足ILR,但是另交1000镑可以给30个月基于family life续签。天呐,其他条件都满足了至少也得给个Partner的签证吧?!怎么还只是family life呢?再说原签证还有2年时间,为啥还要多花1000镑买多半年?