哟!吓我一跳,还以为你会回英文狡辩自己不是种族歧视,看来我高估你了,想玩咬文嚼字是吧?来,来,来,哦,先声明,我确实不是英国人,所以英语不是我的第一语言,额, 这点呢,跟你不太一样,我有自知之明,我就尽量帮助你哈。
- Non-British 我本来就是不英国人,为什么Non-British会有问题?话又说回来,您是?就您这样儿?别丢人现眼了吧。。。人蠢不能怪社会哈:
“Internet resident” 一点问题都没有,是您的英文真的很差劲: Internet resident can mean different things depending on context, but it generally refers to someone who is constantly or deeply engaged with the internet—someone who participates in online communities, is always browsing or interacting with digital spaces, and may even have a strong presence on social media platforms or niche online subcultures. In some circles, it can also refer to the idea of “living” on the internet in a metaphorical sense—being so immersed in the virtual world that it feels like a home.
“Against your behaviour” 也没有问题, 是您缺失联系上下文的能力: The phrase “against your behaviour” isn’t a standard expression in English, so its meaning would depend on context. However, it could generally suggest something that is contrary to or in opposition to someone’s actions, habits, or mannerisms.
For example:
If someone says “That’s against your behaviour,” they might mean that your actions or words don’t align with your usual conduct or personality.
It could also imply that something goes against a person’s values or principles, though that’s more likely to be phrased as “against your values” or “against your principles.”
“Unless you think Chinese people have not got the right knowledge to against your behaviour?” 完全没问题,反倒是你的awkward phrasing才令人啼笑皆非。你知道Awkward 是什么意思吗?Awkward是说人的感觉,问题是谁在乎你的感觉呢,我发表对你和你狗子的批评就不会在乎你的感觉。你的那个Stand up才令人瞠目结舌呢,要站起来唱国歌吗
我写的是”Anyone has the common sense…"您连阅读的时候也都是像跟别人吵架一样是Fracture words的吗?
People 和Visitor 一点冲突都没有, 更好的只有Browser,而你的Visitor才weird呢!
我是本想用a, 但是这里是特指你对别的果友的攻击,也就只有你这样的“教条主义者”学的英文才会去想a 是初次提到。。。怎么说呢,没文化真可怕。。。
选词。 你选你的,我选的我的,你选的未必是我要表达的,我又不是写论文,是写的批评文,怎么批得爽怎么来,当然不会写的那么令您悦目,反正其他人都觉得挺悦目的就是咯。不满意你也可以回啊,有种英文高呼您和您的狗子不是种猪注意(谐音词,哈哈Fab!
中式英语?Perhaps you need more efforts in learning English…
唉,我说为什么一上来就一大堆的人唱衰您,之前还有个果友还用唱 Rap的形式来表达对您的厌恶, 现在我终于明白了。。。原因就是您的EQ和IQ都不是一般的LOW,这我倒没有歧视您,毕竟您有心理疾病, 搞不好还有learning difficulties。
来来来,好好看看,看看自己是怎么回事。你这病得不轻,我稍微帮你看了下就中了好几条,还去考GCSE和Alevel Chinese, 真不容易,内心有多矛盾呀,这个难可不是我们一般人能体会到的,真惨!
Racism is a complex and multifaceted issue, but at its core, it often stems from a combination of historical, social, psychological, and cultural factors. Here are some key reasons why people may hold racist beliefs or engage in racist behavior:
1. Historical Factors
- Colonialism and Slavery: Centuries of colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade entrenched racial hierarchies, where certain groups were deemed superior to others. These systems were built on ideas of racial inferiority and were passed down through generations.
- Segregation and Discrimination: Even after the abolition of slavery, institutionalized racism (like segregation laws, discriminatory policies, and practices) continued to reinforce these inequalities in many societies, particularly in the U.S., South Africa, and other colonial nations.
2. Socialization and Cultural Norms
- Upbringing and Environment: People are often taught racist views from a young age, whether directly (through biased language, behavior, or explicit instruction) or indirectly (through social norms and practices). Children learn prejudices from their families, peers, schools, media, and other societal institutions.
- Media Representation: The way different racial groups are represented (or underrepresented) in the media can perpetuate stereotypes and reinforce negative perceptions. When one racial group is consistently portrayed as “other” or inferior, it can shape people’s views.
3. Psychological Factors
- In-group Bias: People tend to favor their own group (whether based on race, nationality, religion, etc.) and may feel threatened or distrustful of those outside their group. This is part of a broader psychological tendency to categorize people into “us” vs. “them.”
- Fear of the “Other”: Racism can be fueled by fear or ignorance. When people don’t interact with or understand those from different racial backgrounds, they may create unfounded fears or prejudices based on stereotypes or limited exposure.
- Cognitive Dissonance: People often hold prejudiced beliefs because these beliefs help them justify or rationalize their behavior or status. If a person benefits from systemic inequality, they may find it easier to adopt racist views in order to feel justified in maintaining their privileged position.
4. Economic and Political Factors
- Competition for Resources: In situations where resources (jobs, housing, education) are scarce, people may feel threatened by those who they perceive as competition, leading to the development of racist attitudes. Racism can be used to justify unequal distribution of resources.
- Political Exploitation: Political leaders and movements have often used racial divisions as a tool to gain power or consolidate control. By creating a “scapegoat” group (often a racial or ethnic minority), they can rally support among the majority population.
5. Structural and Systemic Racism
- Institutional Bias: Racism is not only an individual attitude but also embedded in societal structures. Laws, policies, and institutions can perpetuate inequality, even in the absence of explicit racism. For example, disparities in education, housing, healthcare, and criminal justice often disproportionately affect racial minorities.
- Privilege and Power Dynamics: Those in positions of privilege—whether based on race, class, or other factors—may maintain discriminatory systems because they benefit from them. This perpetuates inequality and continues the cycle of racism.
6. Lack of Exposure or Education
- Limited Interaction: People who grow up in homogeneous environments, where they have little contact with racial minorities, may be more likely to hold racist views. Lack of exposure can reinforce misconceptions and stereotypes.
- Ignorance: Many people who hold racist beliefs may not have been educated about the history and realities of racial inequality. Education, empathy, and meaningful interaction with different communities can challenge these views.
7. Scapegoating and Externalizing Blame
- Blaming the “Other”: In times of societal stress or economic hardship, some people look for an external group to blame for their struggles. Minorities often become targets of such scapegoating, as they are perceived as an “out-group” or as the cause of societal problems.
8. Racial Stereotypes
- Generalizations and Oversimplifications: Racism often arises from oversimplified and exaggerated ideas about a racial or ethnic group. Stereotypes like “all Black people are criminals” or “all Asians are hardworking” are harmful because they reduce individuals to a single characteristic or attribute, ignoring their diversity and humanity.
Addressing Racism
To combat racism, individuals and societies need to address both the personal and systemic factors that contribute to it. This includes:
- Education to challenge stereotypes and promote empathy and understanding.
- Intergroup contact to build relationships and reduce fear or mistrust.
- Policy reforms to address systemic inequality and ensure that all people have equal opportunities and rights.
- Individual self-awareness to recognize biases and work on reducing personal prejudices.
Ultimately, racism is a deeply ingrained social problem that requires sustained collective effort to dismantle. While many individuals and groups are working hard to fight against it, the persistence of racist attitudes shows that much more work is needed to create a truly just and equitable society.
这句可以这样写更好些,slightly awkward and could be improved
Perhaps you need to put more effort into learning English.
在网络看到违法事情,来这里举报,别忘了留下自己联系方式,他们会给你update 案情和结果
我做为ethnic chinese, 我也时常在此论谈批评辱骂所有“中国人”的"internet residents"
大家都是”Internet residents"一场,应该和气生财哈
您是CANT呀, 你说了什么,做了什么,自己最清楚。苦了你家的孩子,从小就要跟你学习妥妥的自卑感,这是多么悲惨的童年,连自己的文化底蕴都不清楚,还得玩命地赌是否有报应, 惨,真惨,啧啧啧。
英国人内心很爱国很自傲,自然也能理解包容relate to其他移民爱故乡为故乡自豪骄傲
relate to
- comprehend.
- connect.
- empathize.
- identify with.
- link with.
- stand in one’s shoes.
- sympathize.
- understand.