


今天出去朋友一见到我就说 怎么瘦了~~~动力啊


day 6 was also a breeze, didn’t feel really hungry…except for just a second before lunch

this morning my muscles kinda sored…just a little…and omg my old pants fit!

yesterday they were still very tight but today it was…pretty comfortable. still a little tight, but it was very easy to put them on.

weight didn’t fluctuate much, but the scale isn’t very accurate…maybe I should get a digital one…heehee

but honestly I don’t really care about how accurate it is anymore, my pants tell me I’ve lost some weight again, I tried on my tight ts too, and they are completely loose!

I am extremely satisfied with the result of this diet… just gotta hang on~~

today is my day 7…one meal, and no coffee…had my tea already…

feeling weak.

I’m gonna lay in bed all day…muhahaha…

aza, aza fellow gals!!!




今天出去朋友一见到我就说 怎么瘦了~动力啊


day 6 was also a breeze, didn’t feel really hungry…except for just a second before lunch

this morning my muscles kinda sored…just a little…and omg my old pants fit!

yesterday they were still very tight but today it was…pretty comfortable. still a little tight, but it was very easy to put them on.

weight didn’t fluctuate much, but the scale isn’t very accurate…maybe I should get a digital one…heehee

but honestly I don’t really care about how accurate it is anymore, my pants tell me I’ve lost some weight again, I tried on my tight ts too, and they are completely loose!

I am extremely satisfied with the result of this diet… just gotta hang on

today is my day 7…one meal, and no coffee…had my tea already…

feeling weak.

I’m gonna lay in bed all day…muhahaha…

aza, aza fellow gals!!!

Same as me!!!! day 7 for me today !!! god...no food tonite.... :cn03:





今天出去朋友一见到我就说 怎么瘦了~动力啊


day 6 was also a breeze, didn’t feel really hungry…except for just a second before lunch

this morning my muscles kinda sored…just a little…and omg my old pants fit!

yesterday they were still very tight but today it was…pretty comfortable. still a little tight, but it was very easy to put them on.

weight didn’t fluctuate much, but the scale isn’t very accurate…maybe I should get a digital one…heehee

but honestly I don’t really care about how accurate it is anymore, my pants tell me I’ve lost some weight again, I tried on my tight ts too, and they are completely loose!

I am extremely satisfied with the result of this diet… just gotta hang on

today is my day 7…one meal, and no coffee…had my tea already…

feeling weak.

I’m gonna lay in bed all day…muhahaha…

aza, aza fellow gals!!!

Same as me!!! day 7 for me today !!! god…no food tonite… :cn03:

I know..I feel weary..but happily weary..LOL..damn I'm a freak..
just drink plenty of water I guess~ we can do this~

苹果上面热情的MM好多哦,所以自己希望看过帖子以后能回复下,给LZ MM加油!!!谢谢你的分享,虽然不知道有没有效果,但是狠想尝试,今天是第一天,感觉还不错,我会把过程尽量写出来,希望有哪个步骤不对的话,多多指教!

本人身高160cm,体重47.5kg,腰围未知,但一般穿aus size 6-8.胸围 34C.平时没有喝咖啡的习惯。

1day breakfast:我买的是long black with one equal. 价格3.5刀




dinner :1块牛排,生菜。

牛排我不知道大家是怎样选择,我在COLES买的,牌子是organic,我买的是beef fillet steak.学厨师的朋友告诉我它是牛身上最好的,热量最少的肉,但单价稍微贵一点,我买的是一盒里面有2块,是17刀~但是因为第2天的中午也是它,所以就还好,一起买勒~牛排我用SPRAY的OLIVE OIL上少许的油,再锅里煎,一般是等一面基本熟了我才翻面的,因为本身就放很少油,如果一直翻的话会狠糊~大概等2面5分熟了以后,我放在微波炉里转3分钟,然后取出来的时候就全熟透了,有点干了,然后切成片状撒很少量的胡椒粉,当肉干嚼,虽然没加盐,但还不错,蛮有嚼头的!!!如果有的MM怕肚子饿得话,建议把做好的牛肉分2次吃,这样不容易饿,因为我的肉干嚼会儿嘴就酸勒,所以我把它当零食似的慢慢吃!!!狠不错的(个人觉得这一天过的一点也不辛苦)


[ 编辑 nanalee 在 09-02-22 18:31 ]


lzmm我很懒…懒得翻帖子去找了…请问one sugar是什么意识? :cn17: 一茶匙的糖?还是一颗糖? :-? :-?


我要哭啦…我以為每天早上都是black coffeee… 原來第5天是 1 big grated carrot !!! 我食錯啦…夜上又看錯…忘記食broccoli…天呀!!! :dizzy:

mm 們要小心呀!!! 不要食錯!!!
[ 编辑 kiooooki 在 09-02-22 21:35 ]



早上5点的时候有饿醒(恩,有可能是咖啡。我平时不喝的),不过差不多半个小时以后又睡了。。 :cn14:





我怕我一喝就睡不了了。。。 :cn16:







我吃很大快牛排 :cn01: ,加很多生菜,

牛排混著辣椒醬吃的~可以嗎 :cn17: 。。。。


一定要吃三餐吗? 从午餐开始吃可不可以啊? 而且我一喝咖啡就胃疼…

day 7 was the hardest I must say, I was actually hungry.

from 11am on I just felt the starvation, I could feel my heart beat and my breath became fainter!

I forced myself taking deep breaths, and laying in my bed I felt completely weary and a little dizzy actually…

after lunch, at 1 30 ish, I was still hungry…but my body quickly adjusted with the food and I was fine again. =)

Then to my surprise I didn’t feel hungry again…even at dinner time, my energy actually came back to me.

I do recommand, however, dieters to do it when they have their days off…limit ur daily activities to minimum!!!

every morning is my favorate time of the day now!! I couldn’t wait to get up and jump on that scale and try on my old jeans.

today, the scale tilted left again!!!..but I was more excited when I pulled on the old jeans… I don’t even need to suck in to zip up anymore.

looking in the mirror I see the gap between my thighs again. =DDDDD

motivation motivation!



我要哭啦…我以為每天早上都是black coffeee… 原來第5天是 1 big grated carrot !!! 我食錯啦…夜上又看錯…忘記食broccoli…天呀!!! :dizzy:

mm 們要小心呀!!! 不要食錯!!!

[ 编辑 kiooooki 在 09-02-22 21:35 ]



第7天是tea 也不是coffee…

仔细看好了啊。 我每天吃东西前都要看好几遍。。哈哈。。

[ 编辑 Riceballrox 在 09-02-23 16:24 ]



day 7 was the hardest I must say, I was actually hungry.

from 11am on I just felt the starvation, I could feel my heart beat and my breath became fainter!

I forced myself taking deep breaths, and laying in my bed I felt completely weary and a little dizzy actually…

after lunch, at 1 30 ish, I was still hungry…but my body quickly adjusted with the food and I was fine again. =)

Then to my surprise I didn’t feel hungry again…even at dinner time, my energy actually came back to me.

I do recommand, however, dieters to do it when they have their days off…limit ur daily activities to minimum!!!

every morning is my favorate time of the day now!! I couldn’t wait to get up and jump on that scale and try on my old jeans.

today, the scale tilted left again!!!..but I was more excited when I pulled on the old jeans… I don’t even need to suck in to zip up anymore.

looking in the mirror I see the gap between my thighs again. =DDDDD

motivation motivation!


真好~~~我是脸和腰很明显 腿好像没怎么减 :cn03:



day 7 was the hardest I must say, I was actually hungry.

from 11am on I just felt the starvation, I could feel my heart beat and my breath became fainter!

I forced myself taking deep breaths, and laying in my bed I felt completely weary and a little dizzy actually…

after lunch, at 1 30 ish, I was still hungry…but my body quickly adjusted with the food and I was fine again. =)

Then to my surprise I didn’t feel hungry again…even at dinner time, my energy actually came back to me.

I do recommand, however, dieters to do it when they have their days off…limit ur daily activities to minimum!!!

every morning is my favorate time of the day now!! I couldn’t wait to get up and jump on that scale and try on my old jeans.

today, the scale tilted left again!!!..but I was more excited when I pulled on the old jeans… I don’t even need to suck in to zip up anymore.

looking in the mirror I see the gap between my thighs again. =DDDDD

motivation motivation!


真好~~~我是脸和腰很明显 腿好像没怎么减 :cn03:


瘦的时候全身都会瘦的, 这个不用担心~

:cn07: 那我试试?呵呵


day 7 was the hardest I must say, I was actually hungry.

from 11am on I just felt the starvation, I could feel my heart beat and my breath became fainter!

I forced myself taking deep breaths, and laying in my bed I felt completely weary and a little dizzy actually…

after lunch, at 1 30 ish, I was still hungry…but my body quickly adjusted with the food and I was fine again. =)

Then to my surprise I didn’t feel hungry again…even at dinner time, my energy actually came back to me.

I do recommand, however, dieters to do it when they have their days off…limit ur daily activities to minimum!!!

every morning is my favorate time of the day now!! I couldn’t wait to get up and jump on that scale and try on my old jeans.

today, the scale tilted left again!!!..but I was more excited when I pulled on the old jeans… I don’t even need to suck in to zip up anymore.

looking in the mirror I see the gap between my thighs again. =DDDDD

motivation motivation!


Dear I totally agree with u....I had the excat same feeling as u do !!!

Even no dinner last ngiht...it wasnt that bad...didnt feel hungry at all, just feel very tired.... so went to bed early~~~