


day 7 was the hardest I must say, I was actually hungry.

from 11am on I just felt the starvation, I could feel my heart beat and my breath became fainter!

I forced myself taking deep breaths, and laying in my bed I felt completely weary and a little dizzy actually…

after lunch, at 1 30 ish, I was still hungry…but my body quickly adjusted with the food and I was fine again. =)

Then to my surprise I didn’t feel hungry again…even at dinner time, my energy actually came back to me.

I do recommand, however, dieters to do it when they have their days off…limit ur daily activities to minimum!!!

every morning is my favorate time of the day now!! I couldn’t wait to get up and jump on that scale and try on my old jeans.

today, the scale tilted left again!!!..but I was more excited when I pulled on the old jeans… I don’t even need to suck in to zip up anymore.

looking in the mirror I see the gap between my thighs again. =DDDDD

motivation motivation!


Dear I totally agree with u…I had the excat same feeling as u do !!!

Even no dinner last ngiht…it wasnt that bad…didnt feel hungry at all, just feel very tired… so went to bed early~~~

haha..ever since I'm on this diet I never went to bed later than 12, normally I was already in bed well tucked at 11.
dunno if it's the huge ammt of lemmon water I'm drinking or b/c of the early bed ritual, my skin has gotten smoother too~ the pores are smaller now :cn09:

soooo happy

THANK TO LZ MM~~~~ :shy:

:cn13: :cn13: 减肥真痛苦!

现在是day 3 morning,



哎~ :cn03:

[ 编辑 Lord1986 在 09-02-23 22:58 ]
[ 编辑 Lord1986 在 09-02-23 22:58 ]



瘦的时候全身都会瘦的, 这个不用担心~
第6天啦 今天早上量了 腿才瘦了1.5 cm sign 不过脸真的很明显 byebye babyface~~~~ :smiley:
[ 编辑 minica 在 09-02-24 03:01 ]


很激动看到大家都有可喜的成果了!! :cn08:


大家加油,互相监督 :cn15:

不知道我生完孩子之后能不能用这个食谱呢 :cn06:


晚上nothing!!!!!!!!! :cn06:




瘦的时候全身都会瘦的, 这个不用担心~
第6天啦 今天早上量了 腿才瘦了1.5 cm sign 不过脸真的很明显 byebye babyface~~~~ :smiley:

[ 编辑 minica 在 09-02-24 03:01 ]








很激动看到大家都有可喜的成果了!! :cn08:


大家加油,互相监督 :cn15:



day 8 was just easy…I wasn’t hungry, didn’t even think of food until I realize it passed meal time already

…didn’t want to waste my big steak so I kinda stuffed myself to eat it all…

I gotta learn some self control and just eat till I’m satisfied==“


scale says I didn’t lose weight but my pants tell another story

all my pants fit now :love: :love:

even the tightest has become easy to put on and the cute top I bought in xmas, which I hope I could wear in the summer, already look cute on me.

=DD :love:

this diet has already served its purpose, I’m going to hang on to it, and hopefully all my pants become loose by the end of it so I can start my real weight loss

weight: still 49.5kg

oh! one thing tho…I haven’t… well…crapped :shy: …for three days now…and I don’t feel stuffed either….I sat on the toilet and tried to get at least some out…but there just isn’t any…

oh well

if I wasn’t shitting the waste out…does it mean…the food are all absorbed? LOL dont’ laugh! :dizzy:

maybe there is some chemical reactions between the food I am eating and they are all transformed to energy.=D

smiling BIG :cn08:

[ 编辑 Riceballrox 在 09-02-24 16:06 ]

我period 來啦…哎呀… 結果今天重量沒下… :dizzy:


Now is day 4 morning…well, noon…lol…let’s update on day 3

I pretty much sticked w/ the meal plan yesterday. well, had lemon water in the evening…the scale tells that I’ve lost 1lb since day 2…but my ring fits my finger loosely now, lol…not much change w/ jeans fitting business :cn14:

oh, my face certainly look slimmer…

so we’ll see see~~~~


oh! one thing tho…I haven’t… well…crapped :shy: …for three days now…and I don’t feel stuffed either….I sat on the toilet and tried to get at least some out…but there just isn’t any…

oh well

if I wasn’t shitting the waste out…does it mean…the food are all absorbed? LOL dont’ laugh! :dizzy:

maybe there is some chemical reactions between the food I am eating and they are all transformed to energy.=D

smiling BIG :cn08:

[ 编辑 Riceballrox 在 09-02-24 16:06 ]

MM,偶当时是量很少,但是每天都多少有点! :cn15:



oh! one thing tho…I haven’t… well…crapped :shy: …for three days now…and I don’t feel stuffed either….I sat on the toilet and tried to get at least some out…but there just isn’t any…

oh well

if I wasn’t shitting the waste out…does it mean…the food are all absorbed? LOL dont’ laugh! :dizzy:

maybe there is some chemical reactions between the food I am eating and they are all transformed to energy.=D

smiling BIG :cn08:

[ 编辑 Riceballrox 在 09-02-24 16:06 ]

MM,偶当时是量很少,但是每天都多少有点! :cn15:

哈哈。 今天我也终于去排了。。不过很少就是了。。==”


Now is day 4 morning…well, noon…lol…let’s update on day 3

I pretty much sticked w/ the meal plan yesterday. well, had lemon water in the evening…the scale tells that I’ve lost 1lb since day 2…but my ring fits my finger loosely now, lol…not much change w/ jeans fitting business :cn14:

oh, my face certainly look slimmer…

so we’ll see see~~~~

u screwed up on the 3rd day, the result is cut for sure…but I think u just need to stick to the rest of the course and it’ll still be good.




Now is day 4 morning…well, noon…lol…let’s update on day 3

I pretty much sticked w/ the meal plan yesterday. well, had lemon water in the evening…the scale tells that I’ve lost 1lb since day 2…but my ring fits my finger loosely now, lol…not much change w/ jeans fitting business :cn14:

oh, my face certainly look slimmer…

so we’ll see see~~~~

u screwed up on the 3rd day, the result is cut for sure…but I think u just need to stick to the rest of the course and it’ll still be good.


sure sure..... :cn13:

1 small cottage cheese是什麼概念呢? :cn09:

day 9


I don’t ever get hungry anymore!

b/c of the high protein I’m eating, I decided to not to give any pressure to the legs in the past few days at all.

meanting, laying in bed, putting them straight and just pretend I’m handicapped…

This will help losen and reduce the muscles on my legs and after this diet I’ll cut some protein and focus on the fat reducing process by eating a little bit more fat and less total calorie intakes.

hopefully in a month or two my legs would finally be presentable. =P

…k…back to the diet.

was not hungry at all and man I should stop myself eating after I”m full already!! =P

though I feel bad stuffing myself with the portion of food I”m eating, the results never fail me.

note that I was lying in bed all day and barely moved yesterday?

my hips just shrunk some more and pants? loosend some more!

the belly is almost all gone now and I love to look at myself naked in the mirror! :shy: u know those squized out little fat hills on the side of of our hips when we put on a pair of tighter jeans? all gone now… gaps between my legs? noticable :love:

finally my jeans look like mine instead of borrowed from some other skinny girls …muhahahaha

scale: tilted left again, 49 kg, or maybe even a little more left…don’t care anymore…^^ just happy. :cn08: :cn08:


1 small cottage cheese是什麼概念呢? :cn09:

I've found more versions of this copenhagen diet, some menu said: one small cup, which is normally 200g.

I just eat the whole 200g , satisfies me and if u buy those low fat ones, they are just about 100kcal/ 100g..so they are really...healthy and low in calories actually. =)