[Recreation]What Women Want [UPDATE Nov 2]






If you were closer, I’d slap you myself.


Whew. Let me calm myself. As you know, I don’t

usually get so worked up. That makes three

exclamation marks in one email, and I haven’t even

started lambasting you proper yet. (What is

lambasting, anyway? And is that how you spell it?

It’s such a great word. I really should look and

find out.)

OK, I’m calm.

NOW, let’s have a little talk here…

The reason why this kind of situation bothers

me is at least twofold:

1) Because I’ve been in it myself about a

bazillion and a half times, and it sucks to be

screwing something up and not even realize that

you’re doing it.

2) I can tell from your email that you actually

like this girl A LOT, and that she’s probably a

fantastic woman… and I hate to see you working

so hard against yourself… and screwing this up

when it’s right there in front of you for the


Before I tell you all the reasons why you most

DEFINITELY should invest in my Advanced Dating

Techniques program, let me give you a few pointers

that might help you STOP screwing this up in the


OK, back to the basics.

Let’s take this from the top…

At the very beginning of your email, you said

something that basically telegraphed EXACTLY what

was going on here…

You said “…I think I’ve met “the one,” but

I’m having trouble making her realize this. I’ve

been pursuing her for about five months…”

You’re having trouble making her REALIZE this?

You’ve been PURSUING her?

Do you assume that at some point within the

NEXT five months that she’s going to wake up one

day and feel a powerful ATTRACTION for you because

you like to chase her around and tell her how you

feel about her?

Normally I’d make fun of you here, and tell you

that you don’t get it… blah blah blah.

But for some reason I feel like I just have to

lay things out for you directly.

Look, man… the reason why she’s telling you

that she “doesn’t know why it hasn’t evolved into

something romantic” is that she doesn’t FEEL IT.

She doesn’t FEEL IT.

Get it?


She doesn’t feel ATTRACTION for you.

And you can’t CONVINCE her to feel it by

chasing her around and telling her how you “feel”

about her.

Attraction, as I always say, ISN’T A CHOICE.

You’re acting like most guys who think things

like: “If she only knew how I felt about her,

she’d feel the same way” and “If I keep pursuing

her, she’ll eventually see how much I love her”


Well guess what?


Right now you are playing what is referred to

as a “losing game”.

Think of it this way. If you stop on the way

home from work every day and buy a lottery ticket,

you’ll win once in awhile. Hell, you might even be

lucky one day and win big.

But your chances SUCK.

You’re probably going to lose a LOT more than

you win over time.

Like I said, you COULD win big. There is a

chance. But you probably won’t. And I mean

probably with a BIG P.

I refer to the way that you’re acting as “Being

a Wussy” (that’s the technical term… made it up


When you act like a Wussy, you do things like:

-Pursue -Cling -Share “feelings” -Act

submissive - Seek approval -Pine away

This is WUSSY behavior.

It’s distinctly FEMININE in nature.

When guys act like this, they’re getting in

touch with their inner little girl (and she needs

a spanking in the worst way).

And are you ready for the WORST, WORST part?

When you act like this around a woman (and

ESPECIALLY a “goal oriented” woman who’s probably

smart and powerful like yours) they CANNOT feel

the emotion of ATTRACTION towards you.

Women aren’t attracted to Wussies.

This is a UNIVERSAL truth.

And by the way that you describe your

relationship with this woman, SHE REALLY WANTS TO


She’s trying, man.

And she probably KNOWS that you’d be a great

guy to be in a relationship with… but she just

doesn’t FEEL IT… so she holds back. I’m sure she

WISHES that she could be attracted to you. I’ll

bet you money.

Look, you need to STOP acting like a nice

friend guy Wuss IMMEDIATELY if you want this to

turn into something.

You’re probably beyond help with this

particular woman, but I’m going to give you a few


1) Stop calling her all the time (if you do),

and stop spending so much time with her.

2) Start dating other women IMMEDIATELY, and

make sure she knows about it.

3) Stop being all lovey with her, and don’t

tell her how you “feel about her” anymore. Stop it.

4) Accept that you will probably be friends

with her forever, and start acting that way.

5) Don’t try to kiss her or be physical with

her at ALL anymore until you understand what you’re


Remember, what you’re doing ISN’T WORKING.

If you do these things that I’ve described, you

will probably have the best chance of turning this


“How To Get More Numbers & Emails From Women”

Jun 14 2005


ok here is the deal…

i’m 23, 5’7" and a relatively good looking and

successful fashion designer. i don’t date to much,

and because of my usually respectful mannerism i

don’t get laid too often and usually end up in

that “gay friend” category.

but i’ve kinda got my eye on a cutie who works at

a trendy clothing store in my hood. it initially

was one of those things where we shared a glace

and did the whole “eye ball sex” thing the first

time i came into the shop. i frequent this store

regularly to help promote and do some p.r. for a

club night my friends are doing, (not to mention

check out the… uh… merchandise?) so i have

actually spoke to her and got her name and even

convinced her to come out to the club a few times

(on my guest list of course).

the thing is i’m not very comfortable about

“macking” girls in clubs and try to avoid it at

all costs, so my question is how do i go from

cheezy promoter guy dropping off flyers and free

passes, to say… getting her to come watch

“videos” at my place or even just a phone # for

that matter?

giving me a way to find out if she is single would

be cool too…"


The easiest thing in the world to do in your

current situation is to say “Hey, do you have


Most people do, and if she says yes, just pull

out a piece of paper and have her write it down.

Then, WHILE SHE’S WRITING, say “And write your

number down there too.” This is one of my favorite

one-two combinations.

Then, the next day, send her an email and tell

her that she should get together with you for a

cup of tea and some stimulating conversation. This

is both easy and charming, and it works like,

well… a charm.

And for heaven’s sake man, start getting the

email and digits from the probably MILLIONS OF

BABES that you meet in the fashion industry and

while promoting clubs. Heck, if you don’t want

them, send them to me.


Hi Dave!

I enjoy reading your writing.

I dated a lot and fooled around quite a few, but I

have fallen for this girl, and I made a mistake by

telling her, not once but twice, how much I feel

for and want her before she revealed her feeling

toward me. Consequently she told me later on that

she would like to do casual dating with me. And

recently I found out that she is seeing two or

three other guys simultaneously. GUYS OUT THERE,


Having recognized my error and conceded defeat, I

want to cut my loss by telling her this weekend in

a face to face meeting that I don’t want to see

her any longer. But I can’t forget her and keep

wondering if I should make one more effort to win

her back. I guess I am a regular human being,

suffering from loss of her love.

Should I change my mind, what techniques can I use

to win her back?

Or I should simply walk away from her and forget

everything about her?

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.




As far as your situation goes, I would get on

with my life, don’t call her anymore, and if she

decides to call you sometime, turn the tables

around, start playing hard to get, and NEVER ACT


It’s a hard job I have poking fun at the pain of

others… all for their own good.


Dave “THE MAN”,

I just want to first thank you or rather

compliment you, just like everyone else has done,

on your successful book which has helped me

tremendously. It has led me to become VERY VERY

confident in myself and around other girls. Once

again, thank you Dave. Anyway, on to my question

that literally drives me crazy!!! This girl that

I’m interested in has email but NEVER checks it

because, according to what she says her computer

doesn’t work. Go figure. But she did give me her

cell phone number and house phone number. The

problem is that every time I call her we talk for

about 10-15 min. and she says that she’ll call me

back later but NEVER does. i mean NEVER!! is this

because she is playing hard to get or does it mean

that i am just wasting my time and she is not

interested and should i just give up on her

completely? how can i become the one who’s in

control and have HER chasing ME instead of ME

chasing HER??? How could i get her to start

calling me? If you can answer this question then

it will be one less thing for me to worry about

when dealing with women and I will definitely

consider you “THE MAN”. Thanks



Where in my eBook or newsletters have you EVER

heard me say to talk on the phone for 10-15

minutes? Exactly, nowhere. Why do you think this


Because the more time you spend TALKING at the

very beginning (when getting her email and number,

while on the phone setting up the next meeting,

etc.) the more likely you are to screw it up.

Don’t waste time!

Getting her email and digits should take 3-5

minutes or so. Setting up a place to get together

should take about the same.

You need to call up and say “Hey, I don’t have

long to talk, but I wanted to touch base and say

hi. I’m going to be busy today and tomorrow night,

but let’s get together Saturday for a cup of tea

and some stimulating conversation…”

Bang, done.


Hi David,

I’ve been reading your emails for quite some time

and recently just bought your e-books. I commend

you on what you are doing for the many hundreds

and possibly thousands of men like me who are

trying to increase our game. I just started a new

job at a hotel on campus. There’s this one girl

who find very attractive. My question is is it ok

to date or ask out someone you work with? I’ve

only worked with her once, but I felt an

attraction to her and although I’m not sure if

she’s attracted, there may be the possibility of

it, which means there is something for me to work

with. What are your thoughts? Thanks S.


Don’t date your close neighbors, don’t date

anyone related to a close friend, and DON’T DIP


likely to wind up being bad long-term investments.

Better idea: Tease and use all of your best

cocky/funny ideas on this girl… great target

practice. At some point one of you will probably

no longer work for the same company, and at that

point she will like you so much that you will have

fish in a barrel for the shooting.


yo david!

this is the greatest stuff i have ever seen. its

soooooo easy and yet, until it dawns on you, it

seems frustrating. all you nice guys know what i’m

talking about…no sex? girls don


You know, you’d make a great walking billboard

for my… the problem is that you sound like a

late night info-mercial and I don’t think anyone

would believe you…

But seriously, you are right.

It would never cross the minds of most guys to

look at a stunning woman and say “Are you trying

to pick me up?”

If I’m at a bar talking to a woman, and she

gives me any kind of compliment, hints that she

likes me, tells me that I’m funny, etc. I’ll say:

“Look, I know how you women are. First a little

compliment, then you’re asking me for my number,

then you want me to come home with you to “check

out your new stereo” or something. I just want you

to know that I’m not that kind of guy, and I won’t

fall for it.”

Oh, I love it.



I haven’t had success like this with women in my

life. You sure know your stuff. I’ve read your

book about 10 times and I’m still reading it. But

I do have one question though. I have a major

downfall when it comes to communication with

women. I do good at approaching them and I usually

say “Hey, how’s it goin’?”, but I CAN’T FIND

ANYTHING TO TALK ABOUT. That’s my downfall. If I

can keep a conversation going that could the best.

But I’m lacking skills in that part, and like you

said, your success all comes down to your skills.

Well Dave, I need a new skill. Can you please help

me. Any feedback will be much appreciated.



You’re going to love this answer.

Don’t “talk” about anything at all. Tease, make

fun, act cocky and funny, and get the


The idea that you have to “talk about

something” will lead you to a curious dry feeling

between your legs…

师父~~受徒弟一拜~~!!! :polite:

终于有人愿意现身啦 :lol:

it’s absolute fun isn’t it

Overcoming Fear, Making Out With Women

Jun 22, 2005


David, you are absolutely the MAN! Everything you

say is right on the button, even the stuff that is

harder to accept and work into the routine. My

biggest struggle has been that I can always use

the C&F routine great at first, but the more we

talk, the less I use it, and I start to revert

back to my old self. That’s right when she starts

to turn colder. Last night was great though,

because I kept busting this girl’s balls all night

long. Here’s the story:

I’ve recently started talking on line to an ex

that I dated for over a year and a half, and broke

up with just more than a year ago. I finally

convinced her to make the hour-and-a-half drive to

come up and visit me, last night. When she got

here, before even saying hello, I busted on her

for taking so long to get to my apartment, and

just kept turning the heat up all night- I figured

that I probably won’t see her for a while again,

so I’ve got nothing to lose. I continued to make

fun of her and pick on her all night. We made

potato soup for dinner, and when I was peeling the

potatoes I started flicking the skins at her. She

started throwing them back, and I made her pick up

all the mess, and blamed it all on her. I’ve got

a cat and she has a dog- as soon as I mentioned

how smart my cat is, she said her dog was smarter,

because he could roll over, stand up, and sit at

command, and my cat couldn’t. I asked her if she

would do those things if I told her to, so when

she said “no” I asked her if that meant that she

was also stupider than her dog is. From that

point on, all night she had a look on her face of

utter amazement and confusion- it was as if I

could actually hear her thinking, “I can’t believe

that I’ve lost all the control- but somehow,

inexplicably, I love it!” (When she and I were

dating, she had ALL the control.) Later she took

off her rings and handed them to me while she put

lotion on- I refused to give them back to her for

the better part of an hour. I hid the rings in by

back pocket, and finally told her that she

couldn’t have them unless she could find where I’d

hid them- when she finally got to my back pocket,

I smacked her hand and told her not to touch my

ass- I wasn’t her plaything to violate like that.

Eventually she started whining to get her way

(that ALWAYS worked when we were together), so I

started talking to her like you would a 2-year-

old, calling her a poor baby that’s just not going

to survive, is she? She asked me if I was

patronizing her, and I gave her a great big hug

and in an even more patronizing tone said, “No, of

course not- I would NEVER patronize YOU!” She

absolutely ate it up. She had been begging me all

night for one of my massages- she claims I give

the best ones in the world. So finally at the end

of the night, I told her that I would be willing

to give her one. Her back massage quickly turned

into a full body massage- I mean full body. All

night I had gotten closer and closer to kissing

her, without actually doing so- I did the whole

thing with brushing my lips against hers, and all.

At the end of the night, I finally let her kiss me

on my terms, and MAN did she dig in. It was

great. In one night, I turned a girl that had

broken up with me for being a doormat wussy into a

girl that absolutely cannot get enough of me and

wants me back like none other. She brought up a

friend, and she and my roommate entertained each

other and were witness to the evening. Even the

two of them couldn’t believe how absolutely in

control of her I was, and how much she was loving

it. Throughout the night, her friend kept pushing

me for info as to whether or not I was willing to

take her back. She wants me, I’m in total

control, and we both love it!

Sorry this one is so long, but I just had to tell

you! Thanks for everything, David- I FINALLY GET

IT!! No matter what, just keep it up, and you’ll

reap the rewards. You’re great!

~T. in CO


First of all, I am a WOMAN, and I want to let you

know that your tips to men are absolutely right

on! I read your “dating tips” email every single

time I receive it, and find it extremely amusing.

I can tell you right now that I know a man who is

absolutely driving me crazy while ( I believe

unknowingly), using your techniques. He is NOT

the greatest looking guy I know, nor is he

appealing in what you might call a typical way.

He is so interesting because, while I know he is

interested in me, he is NOT at all obnoxious about

it- not demanding, not wimpy. Just cool. He tosses

cocky comments at me, he does not HANG all over

me- keeps a little distance, but always returns.

He surprises me. He is INTERESTING!!! He sends

me gifts occasionally, but not on the right day-

for instance: Valentines- I get a call two days

after the day- he says “o yeah, I havent got

around to it yet, but I have something for you-

maybe I can stop by today and drop it off” Then he

will come by when I am not even there and leave it

with my secretary. Other times, he so obviously

responds to something I said, (like a preference I

have for some place) and acts on it LATER. He

doesn’t jump on everything I say with an instant

response, trying to “get” me. I don’t know

exactly what to expect next, and he has me

mesmerized! I will add, though that he has

manners, and is a gentleman- NOBODY likes an rude

a**hole trying to pass for cocky and funny! Trust

me, I run into guys hitting on me all the time.

The typical “in your face” stuff just makes me

want to get away from them. No matter HOW he does

it, a guy that is too DIRECT (either aggressively

or obviously passively) gets NO CHANCE. Any man

who wants to attract a decent woman and keep her

attracted would do well to utilize your




I love women who always tell me that I’m

right… lol.

You mentioned something that I don’t bring up

very often, but it’s a great way to be “generous”

and “thoughtful”.

Now, before I talk about this, keep in mind

that this isn’t something to do with a woman

you’ve just met. Save this for later, after you’ve

been out several times.

This is the kind of thing you do with a woman

you REALLY like and might be interested in

pursuing a relationship with…

Your quote above said:

“…Other times, he so obviously responds to

something I said, (like a preference I have for

some place) and acts on it LATER…”

If a woman mentions that she wants to go to a

particular restaurant, make a mental note, then

surprise her and go there a few weeks later.

Remembering things, then acting on them later

as a SURPRISE makes a huge impact. It’s a very

considerate thing to do.

But like I said, this is something you do with

a woman that you really like. Not in the

[ 编辑 gogatsu 在 05-06-23 04:40 ]


Hi David,

I was just wondering if you think it’s a good idea

to call a woman before a date to confirm or should

I just show up at her doorstep and hope shes

there? A while ago I had a date with a woman and

I didn’t call before I left to pick her up then

when I got to her house she wasn’t there. Do you

call before the date to confirm?

Z. From Florida.


You know, it’s been so many years since I’ve

gone out to a woman’s house and picked her up for

a first date, I can’t even remember.

I recommend that you DO NOT do something

expensive and typical like going and picking a

woman up, taking her to dinner, etc. for a first


Instead, either:

1) Have her come to your place, and leave for a

cup of tea from there.

2) Meet her at a coffee shop that’s CLOSE to your

place, and if she flakes out, you can still enjoy

yourself and you’re not far from home.

Another rule of thumb I have is to not make a

date too far in advance.

I’ve found that often times, you can call a

woman up and say “Let’s go get a cup of coffee


It’s rare that I would ever make plans more

than a day in advance… this also helps prevent


[ 编辑 gogatsu 在 05-06-23 04:42 ]
[ 编辑 gogatsu 在 05-06-23 04:45 ]

a romantic story for a change

:love: :love: :love:


Hey David,

Man, do I got a success story to share with you.

Anyways without really thinking about it for the

past year I had teased this girl about a lot of

stuff, and basically puton the impression that I

didn’t care whether I dated her or not. Yah I

liked her, but I had dated a few other girls since

I met her.

So with that said, the most awesome thing happened


We do a lot of training together like lift weights

at our campus gym, jog between 3-5 kilometers at

least 3 times a week together and do other

athletic stuff together. We get along extremely

well together.

Today when we were at the running track together

after school, she challenged me to 200 meter race.

I said sure, well lets just say she kicked the

living snot out of me today. She must have had a

lot of adrenaline going cause she beat me by about

5 seconds which is A LOT in that kind of a race.

So as we walked back to the school she started

making fun of me like crazy, saying haha you got

beat by a girl, I hammered you and basically every

other insult she could think of. I just smiled at

her and didn’t let her know that she beat me fair

and square.

When we got back into school, it wasn’t that busy.

As we walked down the hallway, I said “you know, I

let you win”.

She shot back with “No you didn’t I beat you fair

and square”.

To this I replied “If I was really trying you

couldn’t beat me on your best day”.

This upset her a little cause she is so

competitive. So she said “Your just ashamed cause

you got beat by a girl”.

To this I answered “Oh no kidding, your a girl.

WOW all this time we were training together I

could have sworn you were a boy”

Then things heated up a little, and she smoked me

with a punch right on my right arm.

When she did that I just smiled at her and said

“You just did that cause you like me”.

“Oh shut up” she said in a funny sarcastic tone.

“Hope it didnt hurt wuss boy” she said right after

that. I had never heard her talk like that

before, but from your teachings I knew that what

was going on was extreme flirting.

Then I decided to heat the fire even more so I

said “I dare you to hit me again”. - By this time,

although I hadnt realized it, we were at a

complete stop nearly right up against a locker.

So she hit me again, just like I dared her to.

But it wasnt a hard hit, it was just enough to

connect with my shoulder at. So I kind of grabbed

her arm and looked at her in the eyes sharply.

Then suddenly we both went in to kiss each other

at the same time. (This was our first kiss).

She kissed me so hard, intensely and so

passionately that I thought her lips were going to

fall off. She almost seemed like she was quaking

and shivering as she made out with me madly

against the locker. Thank God no one was around

at that time, they may have been burned in the


I have kissed a few girls in my life, but NONE had

kissed me that intensely.

After the fire went out, we both went to our

RESPECTIVE locker rooms and changed into our

regular clothes.

After we both changed we were walking down the

hallway again and she asked me if I wanted to eat

dinner in the food court with her, I said I

couldnt cause I had to go study for midterms.

(This was the truth actually, I did have to study,

but it probably also did WONDERS for me in the

challenge category.)

Before we parted ways for the day, she took my

hands and gazed up into my eyes and said “Do you

have any idea what I have been feeling these past

few months”.

I decided to keep my composure, so I just said

“Yah”, and I pulled her toward me and we kissed


It was amazing like something out of a movie, I

couldn’t believe it happened. I have found

something great, and I won’t screw it up, because

I am to smart to screw it up, thanks largely to

your teachings and my own inner confidence.

Thanks man

K.J. -Detroit


I wish you could see the smile on my face right


It’s one of those big, fake looking, won’t-go-

away smiles, too.

I’m even shaking my head a little.

I LOVE to read stories like this one. And it’s

so great to hear how you handled everything.

I wish that this story was a fable that all

boys had to learn as children… and know by heart

before they were allowed to talk to girls!

[NOTE: If you’re reading this right now, and

you don’t get what happened, print this out, and

read it every day until you do… it’s that good.]

Thanks for writing in.
[ 编辑 gogatsu 在 05-06-23 04:43 ]


hey dave,

great stuff! it really works, yada, yada. let me

make this short and sweet. one of the things that

really works for me is whenever a girl says

“sorry”, i immediately say, “you should be.” no

matter what the situation is. it’s a great

conversation starter for me. for example, i live

on the 6th floor and this girl only lives on the

2nd floor, so when she saw me press the button for

6th floor, she said sorry. i then said,

automatically, “you should be. u know, u should

really try using the stairs once in a while. u

could use the exercise.” now mind you, this girl

has a great body. so anyway, got the info, and

it’s been going good.

now on to my question. spring break is almost

here, and i’m going away to cancun. now this girl

that i have a thing with - her b-day is in the

middle of spring break. now she keeps bugging me,

telling me she better get a phone call from

cancun, or she’s gonna be mad. i keep telling her,

“do u really expect me to remember, when i’m

gonna be drunk off my ass?” that’s just the plain

truth. now i’m thinking if, and it’s a big if, if

i actually remember her b-day, i’m actually

thinking of purposely not calling her, just 'cuz

she keeps bugging me about it. any thoughts?

especially on the aftermath – if she starts

acting all bratty? let’s say she calls me the day

after her b-day and starts giving me s**t, and i’m

still gonna be down in cancun?

thanx for helping out all the guys who need it.

sa from jersey


…lol… so you get to ask me a question, and

you want to know if you should call a girl from

Cancun on her Bday?

OK, well here goes.

If I were you, I’d buy one of those cheap

calling cards that lasts 3 minutes from Cancun,

and call her at Midnight (at the end of the day)

of her Bday.

Call her on a number that she probably won’t

answer, and leave her a message saying “Happy

Birthday. It’s nice to see that you were waiting

for my call… after I go to all the trouble to

call you from another country. OK, you suck. Bye!”

Of course, say it in a sarcastic, serious-

playful tone.

That should do the trick, my man.

And I love the “I’m sorry” comeback line of

“You should be”.

I actually use that line myself. I also say: “I

don’t want you to be sorry. Just don’t do it


[ 编辑 gogatsu 在 05-06-23 04:44 ]