[Recreation]What Women Want [UPDATE Nov 2]

加精了。 :cn04:

感动ing~ :cn09:

personal comment on this issue of mailbag:

" If a woman said to me “Tell me about all the other women you’re seeing. I think it would be good for the relationship”, I’d probably say:

“Whose relationship are you talking about?”

…and then I’d laugh."

His first example response would be BAD. That precisely looks “sneaky” and lead to “she might just up and leave because she feels like you’re seeing other women AND trying to hide it”, not to mention how rude it would seem.


All About Approaching Women

May 31 2005


I have been a subscriber of your newsletter

for a while now. I have pretty much perfected your

techniques and have had tremendous success with

them. One thing I recently realized is that after

you have them hooked you can keep them on the line

even more by using strange timing for telephone

calls etc. What I mean by this is that I have

found it beneficial to return their calls at weird

hours when you wouldn’t expect them to be home or

awake if they are so that you leave a message.

Then when they call about half the time all I do

is pick up the phone and say “can’t talk sorry

bye,” hang up, and go back to watching

sportscenter. The girls who are calling obviously

want to see more of you, so being hard to reach

makes the game all the livelier. If you mix being

hard to reach with the occasional phone call it

seems like a shortcut to taking it to a more

physical level because they aren’t sure when they

will see you next. I was wondering if you have

used this and if you think it is a good idea or if

there is some unforeseen way this could backfire?




You horrible man!

You actually tell women that you’re BUSY, and

hang up so you can go back to watching SPORTSCENTER?

You’re killing me over here.

I can’t believe it, I think you’re one of about

five men alive that have gotten to the point where

you don’t need to stop everything just for a

little attention from a woman!

Hell, I’m starting to feel attracted to you.

Easy, boy.

You are doing EXACTLY the right things. Keep it


Being unpredictable, hard to reach, and

mysterious is MAGIC when it comes to creating


Of course, no technique is perfect, and if you

do these things long enough you will have

something come up as a result. But overall, this

is a WINNING combination.

If and when you do have a problem or setback,

don’t worry about it. These things happen. You’ll

have so much success that it won’t matter.

As a side note, I want to mention a quick

little something…

I think that there’s a line between doing

things that make women feel attracted to you so

you can enjoy a more interesting romantic life and

actually give women what they want…

And using the ideas you’re learning purely to

manipulate women into doing things.

Most women would really prefer if guys would do

this stuff and be more interesting, but there’s a

danger of using this information, and making

people into toys.

I honestly believe that you can live whatever

lifestyle you want… all the way from dating

several women at a time to being married for

years… and still do it with integrity and


Do the right thing, and be a good guy.
[ 编辑 gogatsu 在 05-06-01 12:44 ]


I’m really glad that you asked this particular

question, because it’s hard for a lot of guys to

believe that this kind of thing could be real (or

at least so common).

But the fact is, once you really get out there

and start meeting women, you start to see

patterns. And some of those patterns are quite


My translation of what you just asked is: “Why

do women play games when you ask for their


In response to your question, I’m going to give

a two-pronged answer:

1) The psychology of what’s going on here.

2) How I deal with this particular situation,

and others like it.


Let me tell you a short story.

A few years ago, I did some work with a guy

that had a particularly interesting technique for

hiring people.

Here’s what he did: After interviewing people

for the position, he’d call back the one he liked

BEST, and say:

“I wanted to call and thank you for applying

for this job, but I just don’t think you’re the

right person for the position”… and then he’d


If the person said “OK, well thank you” he’d

just hang up and call the next favorite one.

On the other hand, if they said “Wait a minute,

I am the best person for the position, I’m sure of

it” etc. he’d say “Well, tell me more. Why do you

think so?”

I actually listened to him do this live on the

speakerphone one day in his office with a woman

that he had interviewed. Sure enough, when he said

“Well, I just don’t think you’re the right

person…” she answered with “Why not? I am the

best…” etc.

And, sure enough, he hired her.

The point here is that in a hiring situation,

there are usually many people applying. An

interviewer needs to have ways of quickly

filtering through and disqualifying the

unacceptable candidates. And a SAVVY interviewer

will have ways of quickly finding the EXCEPTIONAL


This was a great technique for doing just that.

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.

I can remember when I first started “walking

up” to women and trying to get their phone


If I had a dollar for every woman that said:

“Why don’t you give me yours, and I’ll call you



“I don’t give out my number”


“I’ll give you my pager number”


“I lost my phone and my number is disconnected

and the dog ate my homework and there was an


I think you get the picture.

Well, one fateful day, probably out of

frustration, when a woman started to give me an

excuse, I just looked at her, pointed to the piece

of paper I had, and said:

“Just write it down, it’s going to be OK.”

And, lo and behold, she wrote her number down.

I thought “No way, it must have been an


So I tried it again the next time I got


Sure enough, it worked again.

As a matter of fact, it’s worked so well, and

so many times that it’s my “standard line”

whenever I get resistance from a woman. Really.

You’ll even find it written explicitly as part

of my “3 Minute Phone Number (and email)

Technique” in my book Double Your Dating.


The long and the short of it is that ATTRACTIVE





Hint: Polite men that say “Oh, OK, sorry for

bothering you…” or “OK, here’s my number, call

me…” are not SEXY or ATTRACTIVE.

On the other hand, men that say (Some of my


“Oh, it’s OK… you don’t have a phone? That’s

nothing to be embarrassed about” or “And you

expect me to believe that?” in a cocky, funny way

instantly telegraph the message: “I’m not a girly-

man that gives up easily, and I see through your

games. I don’t buy it” are VERY ATTRACTIVE. It

just says all the right things.

So here are a few things to remember:

1) Attractive women are approached all the time

by men, and are constantly being asked for their


2) If you were a woman who is getting asked for

your phone number forty seven times a day, you’d

probably make excuses yourself.

3) The excuses and “Why don’t you give me

yours” type responses weed out about 95% of the

losers that have no spine and no persistence.

4) If you’re READY for this in advance, and you

KNOW what you’re going to say and do when it

happens, AND you don’t answer with a lame, needy,

wuss response, you increase your chances of

getting the number DRAMATICALLY.

5) Confident, cocky, funny responses are a

great way to power through these situations.

How To Use Cocky & Funny Humor To Attract Women

June 7, 2005



I bought your book and its been money well spent

as far as I’m concerned. The email/phone approach

works like magic; I have never, ever gotten a

phone number in a bar before, and now I can! Also

the “are you touching me” line you mention in your

book is a real winner. And all the general advice

about body language, attitude, its all working.

So now I’m wondering if you can provide some

advanced know-how. The sort of girls I like are

the blonde, high-maintenance “Los Angeles” looking

babes, and they seem to be the hardest for me to

succeed with. Any suggestions on what I should be

doing to attract them? What look I need to have,

methods of approach, things to say, whatever…

(To explain where I’m coming from, I’m tall

(6’2”), thin but cut, average looking, run my own

business and make good money. I try to be both

funny and arrogant but am usually more funny than

arrogant. My style is goatee, black turtleneck,

khakis, black loafers.)

Thanks in advance for any extra tips you can



[ 编辑 gogatsu 在 05-06-08 00:40 ]


Lease a Mercedes 500SL, get a big gold chain,

pretend to be a big-time producer, and make

references to your “connection”.

The problem with the type of woman that you’re




usually something like, oh, self esteem,

insecurity, lack of attention from a father

figure, a neurotic need for approval… you get

the picture.

If you want a fake woman, then be a fake man.

Your other option, of course, is to TURN UP THE


to have to see her fake beauty and raise her an

arrogant attitude unseen since Ali.

Try it. If it isn’t working, turn it up. You’re

probably asking for trouble, but since you



The formula is:


Cocky alone is not attractive. Arrogance repels

people like bad breath. But a FUNNY arrogance…

Ahhh, that’s the stuff that miracles are made of.

The cocky man says “You are acting like a

little girl, and it’s annoying me.”

The cocky+FUNNY man says “If you keep acting

like a brat I’m going to spank you like a red-

headed step- child.” (The usual response is

"Ooohhh, be careful, I might like that.) No,


A cocky+funny man is always on the lookout for

an opportunity to show off his arrogant humor.

She gives a compliment on the clothing…

Cocky+Funny Man says:

“I just met you and you’re already starting

with the compliments. Look, I’m not going home

with you. I’m not that easy.”

I’ve just placed a pearl of wisdom before you.

If I were you, I’d pick it up, look at it from

many angles, and improvise variations. This is

magic waiting to happen.

[ 编辑 gogatsu 在 05-06-08 00:48 ]
[ 编辑 gogatsu 在 05-06-08 00:52 ]


加精了。 :cn04:

感动ing~ :cn09:

personal comment on this issue of mailbag:

" If a woman said to me “Tell me about all the other women you’re seeing. I think it would be good for the relationship”, I’d probably say:

“Whose relationship are you talking about?”

…and then I’d laugh."

His first example response would be BAD. That precisely looks “sneaky” and lead to “she might just up and leave because she feels like you’re seeing other women AND trying to hide it”, not to mention how rude it would seem.

if my boi sed diz 2 me…I aint say anyfin 2 him any more…he is a dope


if my boi sed diz 2 me…I aint say anyfin 2 him any more…he is a dope

yup yup

but to all who comes to this post. everything applies to PRE-RELATIONSHIP period.



“HEY DAVE! I have a teensy weensy little questions

for you, but first I’d like to say that your book

kicks serious butt!! I have had more luck with

women since I got it… Not that I really needed

it or anything, (cough cough) ahem! Anyways, now

to my question.

1)I know how to be cocky, I know how to be funny,

I treat women the special attractive way they

should be treated… but I have no clue whatsoever

as to what signs a woman will give off when she is

feeling attracted, I keep doing silly, stupid

things like um… backing off afterward 'cause I’m

not sure what her reaction meant, which I am

positive is a problem.

So if you could help me here I would be most




The main sign that a woman gives off is VERY

simple to spot:


You can stop clapping. I know it was profound.

But really, if a woman isn’t interested, she

won’t keep talking to you. She’ll start looking

around, acting bored out of her skull, or moving

around in an uncomfortable manner.

The first minute or two is often like this

anyway as two people begin a conversation… but

if it continues past about 3-5 minutes, you need

to move on and try to be a little less boring with

the next girl!

I knew you would find my answer profound… but

if you’re still waiting for her to tilt her head,

lick her lips, and twirl her hair then you need to

stop reading books published by guys that have

nothing better to do than spend 25 years watching

people in bars and writing down what they do.

It’s simple:

1) Meet girl 2) Get email and number 3) Invite

for tea and stimulating conversation 4) Meet and

tease, be cocky and funny 5) If she’s not psycho,

invite her over 6) Use The Kiss Test 7) Don’t

screw it up!

I may have oversimplified a bit here, but I

think you get the idea. Don’t worry about what

she’s thinking… just do what you know is

ATTRACTIVE, and then lead. Things will work

themselves out if you keep doing the right things.



Been reading your newsletter, and bought your

book. I’ve read it once and will read it again for

better comprehension.

Success Story:

In the meantime, I’ve been putting into practice

what you teach. I wanted to share this success

story with your readers, as an example of how well

this stuff can work.

At a bar with a bunch of friends for a stag party.

Took the stag-boy around the bar to get his t-

shirt signed by all the women (this is a great way

to meet and talk with every woman in the bar).

Anyway, later I saw a blonde that I had talked to

earlier. She was talking with 3 guys. I went

over and tapped her on the shoulder and said “Hey

can I talk with you a minute?” and walked away

about 10 feet.

She came over, I used your email/phone # material,

and gave her pen and paper to write it down. You

should have seen the looks on the faces of the

three guys who were just talking to her. It was

worth it just for that.

I got 4 numbers that night and have been out with

2 of those women.


Like many other guys who write you, I’ve been

trying to develop the cocky-funny attitude. I’ve

watched most of the comedians and movies you

suggested in your book. I’m working hard on this

but it’s just moving along slowly.

Now that getting emails/numbers isn’t a problem,

and even getting dates (although I know I could do

better if I was more cocky-funny) is now more

possible, I now have run into a whole new problem:

how to create tension/tease/act cocky-funny on the

first date so that SHE calls ME for the second

date (hopefully cooking a meal at her place).

Anything you suggest for us guys at this stage of

our learning that isn’t already in your book would

be most helpful.




You’re doin’ great… and you’ll figure it out

as you go.

One of the best things you can do is to take

out a pen and paper, and write down the ten most

common situations that you find yourself in, then

write down some cocky, funny lines to use.

For instance, you might write:

End Of Date

1) Say to her “Now don’t call me three times a

day… I had fun too, but no stalking”

2) Kiss her and say “Call me”

3) Tell her “I’m busy tomorrow, but if you

tempt me with a good enough offer, I might make

time for you the next night…”

Are you feelin’ me?

Just work out the different situations on paper

first, then do them in real life. You’re on the

right track…


“Hi David,

I spend a lot of time in the library these days

studying for an exam - Psychology of all things-

but it hasn’t helped because oftentimes I see an

attractive girl at the next table or perhaps a

cute girl walks past - never to be seen again. My

problem is that I’m totally at a loss as to what

to say and how to arrange it so we meet in what

seems like a natural and unsuspicious way. I can’t

just go up to a study-table and suddenly introduce

myself and I’m certainly not going to follow

anyone around. Any suggestions?



Like I say in my book “Double Your Dating”…

women KNOW what you’re doing when you approach

them. Heck, even if you’re just being nice and

friendly they’ll SUSPECT that you’re picking up on


So get over this “unsuspicious way” idea.

What, do you want to start talking about math

or anthropology, then slide in under her radar

with your smooth Mac Daddy techniques… and have

her wake up enamored with you?

Well, now that I put it this way…

Just sit close and start up a conversation. Ask

them what they’re studying. Say anything. Then be

cocky and funny. Then say you have to go, that

it’s been nice chatting… and “Hey, do you have


Quit trying to be the “Secret Agent Mac” of the

campus. And besides, women think that men who are

self-conscious approaching them are WUSSIES.

And in case you didn’t know this, WUSSIES DON’T


Revenge Of The Nerds will NEVER happen to you.



First of all, I’ve got to say that your advice is

brilliant! There’s a lot of con-men out there

selling silver bullets for guys women problems,

but you’re writing makes you figure out what works

best for you. Since I’ve started following the

Cocky-Funny approach, I’ve noticed better results

with women in general.

Recently, I was out with a group of friends for

someone’s birthday. I met this great chick who we

both have mutual friends with. Well needless to

say we both were attracted to one another and were

dancing in the club later with each other. One of

my friends was talking to her and then afterwards

she went a bit cold on me. He told me later that

she said she liked me but had just started going

out with another guy for 2 weeks.

Now I’m not one to try and steal another guys

girl, but I felt that the two of us really

connected and would like to see this girl. I

haven’t got her number, but my friend has a good

excuse to ring her and I know I will be seeing her

again in a couple of weeks through friends. Well

my question David is this. You’re tips helped make

her attracted to me, but what can I do if she’s

still unsure about what to do with her current


I’d really appreciate your advice!



Well, if you haven’t read my book, then you

need to get it ASAP and learn how to use the

“friendship” approach with women.

I think that most guys are just too damn

anxious to get their willies wet sometimes.

Instead of trying to convince her to leave some

guy she’s been dating for two weeks based on a few

dances, instead say:

“It was nice meeting you, you seem like you

might make a nice FRIEND. Maybe we can have coffee


Get it?

I’ve learned the hard way that it’s much better

to get to know a woman as a friend FIRST anyway.

It puts you in the right frame of mind, and you

get to learn a few things about her before you

apply all of your serious advanced smooth-mac

tactics (and very well may just save you from a

neurotic experience of the unwanted kind).

When you say “friends” first, it says all the

right things. Think about it.

This is crazy grin


“I have a qeastion about fat womens. if a women

sit in the house all day worry about things and

trying to destroy my career of making music and

looking for some attention and money should i get

rid of the fat pig or stay with her till things

blow and hit her like a punching bag to settle her

emotionals down? she not my girlfriend she just a

sick women who was cool with me since my youth but

she hates everything i’m into. well i,m ready to

treat her like dirt as far the game go she play to

talk trash about my talent and putting her nose in

my business.what should I do punch her like a pimp

or kick the fat bic… to the curb.(we ain,t got

anything in command)”


I have to warn you beforehand, I’m not a

qualified relationship expert or licensed

practitioner, but I may be able to offer you some


It sounds to me like your relationship could

possibly have eroded beyond repair. Again, I’m not

a qualified expert, but this is just my personal


In addition, I realize that on occasion a woman

can behave in a way that is unsettling, but

violence is never an acceptable way to settle a

dispute of this nature.

In other words I just don’t think that if you

“punch her like a pimp” that it’s going to solve


Good luck with your “…career of making music

and looking for some attention and money…”.

[I know, it just isn’t possible that someone <BR>could have sent me this letter… but sometimes <BR>life is just this way. I cut and pasted it exactly <BR>as it was sent to me… with no edits. Unreal.]

How To Keep A Woman Interested In You

Jun 10 2005



I’m considering investing in your program, but I

have a question for you before I do. Essentially,

I’m no longer looking to hook up with women left

and right. In fact, I think I’ve met “the one,”

but I’m having trouble making her realize this.

I’ve been pursuing her for about five months

(during part of which time she was away at school,

but we kept in regular contact, at first through

e-mail and, later, over the phone), and I get the

sense that she’s very guarded about relationships.

She’s very goal oriented (which is one of the

many things I love about her, BTW), and therefore

very busy, and - I suspect - she’s been burned in

the past, relationship wise. At any rate, on a

couple of occasions, it felt to me as if things

were moving forward, and then she backpedaled;

perhaps she “got spooked,” and took a big step

back to protect herself. Most recently, we were

out for the first time since she finished school,

and - insofar as I was able to determine, I was

getting the green light all night: at a movie, I

slipped my arm around her and she leaned in,

resting her head on my shoulder; later, we were at

a club for a band, and when we were ready to

leave, she reached across the table and held my

hand for a while; on the way back to the car, it

was pretty chilly, and when she complained about

the chill, I stepped over and hugged her. She

responded by stepping into it: she pressed her

face hard into my shoulder, and stepped into full

body to body contact - hip to hip, shoulder to

shoulder and everything in between. When we got

back to her place, I moved to kiss her and she

shied away such that it would have been

extremely awkward for me to actually do so.

At any rate, we’ve gotten together since (in fact,

I offered to cook dinner for her, and she somehow

maneuvered it around such that I was her guest,

and she cooked for me) and we talked a while. As I

said above, I think she got a little spooked. She

specifically said that she thought the

relationship could’ve evolved into something

romantic, but that it hasn’t, and she wasn’t sure

why. At this moment, she says she doesn’t believe

it will. We remain very close friends, but I

still believe she’s the one, and I’ve told her

that I’m still going to pursue this, and she’s

keen on still spending time together (for her, for

now, as close friends).

My question is this: do you believe your program

can aid me in turning her around on this? If so,


