[Recreation]What Women Want [UPDATE Nov 2]

How To Tell A Woman That You Like Her
May 5 2005


I have recently started to like this girl a lot. We
hang out almost everyday, and everybody that is around
us say that we act like we are going out. We flirt
all of the time, but i dont want to be the one that
admits that i like her first. I have also become really
good friends with one of her friends and she told
her friend that she likes me and everything, but she
hasn't really had too much experience in dating.

She is one of the nicest girls in the world and she
is very pretty so I dont really understand why. I
really want to tell her that i like her, but i have
read your book and you always seem to push getting
the girl to admit it to you first. I think she may
be too shy to do this though. Would it be ok to admit
it to her first in this situation? I know you probably
think hanging out with her everyday seems needy, but
she is the one that calls me everyday and it is very
hard to turn her down. Any suggestions would be greatly
apreciated. Thanks.



Well, today is your lucky day... for today I'm going
to give you advice that will probably be PRICELESS
to you.

First let me start with some ranting, raving, and
confusing double-talk.

Then we'll get to the good stuff.

Let's begin with me verbally abusing you for not paying
attention to what I say, then drift into a little
bit of talking about why your situation is an exception
to a general rule or two...


It's annoying when I go to all the trouble to explain
a concept in detail... and try 100 ways to say it
in my newsletters, eBook, etc. and then someone JUST

In your email you say:

"I really want to tell her that i like her, but
i have read your book and you always seem to push
getting the girl to admit it to you first."

Now, what I'm about to say might sound a little
bit "trivial" to you. You might say "semantics" like
the smart people do.

But pay attention.

CLOSE attention.

I do not recommend that you get a woman to admit
that she likes you FIRST.

Getting a woman to admit that she likes you "first"
naturally implies that you "admit it" BACK.

And I DO NOT say "admit it back" OR "admit it later"
OR anything else of the sort.

Why is this so important?

Simple, really.

I personally believe that TELLING a woman that
you "like her" is one of the WORST things you can

If you want a woman to know that you like her,
the best way is to have her FIGURE IT OUT by the fact
that you guys are getting PHYSICALLY INVOLVED.

Let me confuse the issue further...

"Telling her" that you like her and "feeling like
you really want to tell her" are two completely different
issues, and they're BOTH bad... but for different

TELLING her is bad because it takes the MAGIC,
out of the situation.

It pops the balloon.

It's kills the chemistry.

FEELING like you want to tell her and then asking
about HOW to tell her is bad because it shows that
you're not GETTING IT.


All right, so let's go off on tangent number 2...

You mentioned in your email that this girl you're
seeing is inexperienced in the dating world.

If she's REALLY inexperienced, then you might be
in big trouble.

See, she might be falling IN LOVE with you.

All of this seeing her every day business but not
taking things to the next level (and feeling like
you want to tell her how you feel really really really
badly) might be setting her up emotionally for a late-night
drive to Vegas and marriage vows at the Drive Thru
with Elvis.

If a woman is inexperienced, then it's very important
that you NOT screw this up. If you do, it might be

Another thought: When you're with an inexperienced
woman, it's sometimes a good idea to "dial down" the
ball-busting and the Cocky & Funny a little bit.

Instead of having it turned up to a 9.5, dial it
back to a 5.7923 setting. That will probably work
better for you and her.


So let's talk a bit about ATTRACTION.

It happens for reasons that are difficult to explain
to a person who has a "bad model" of how it works.

But let's just say that if it DOES happen, you
want to AMPLIFY it. You don't want to WEAKEN it.

One of the problems with "telling her how you feel"
is that it instantly changes the dynamics of the situation.

When you say "I like you", in her head the woman

"He is admitting to me that he likes me, which
gives me all the power, which, for some strange reason,
makes me not like him as much anymore."

I realize that this sounds crazy, and doesn't make
a whole lot of "logical sense", but it's what usually

If you want to "tell" a woman that you "like her",
the best way to do it is to ADVANCE PHYSICALLY.


DO something, don't SAY something.

Words are to be used when ACTIONS don't work better.

And this isn't one of those cases.

Remember "The Kiss Test" I talk about on my website?

Use it.

Remember the exact sequence that I describe in
the bonus booklet that you got with Double Your Dating
called "Sex Secrets"?

Use it.

But DO NOT "tell her how you feel".

Unless, of course, you want to drive to Vegas.

Finally, let me give you some advice about this
situation of "she calls me everyday to hang out and
I can't turn her down".


I know, I know... Powerful.

If you're in love with this girl and want to marry
her, have kids with her, drive your cute brats to
soccer practice in your green minivan, and wear lots
of Dockers clothing, then forget what I'm telling

Who knows, you might have found one of those rare,
wonderful women that so many of us guys are looking

But if you're just at the stage where it's time
to take things to the next level, then do it with
your ACTION, not with your WORDS.

How To KEEP A Woman Attracted To You

May 7 2005

If a woman feels no ATTRACTION for you, then

she’s not going to want to be anything other than

FRIENDS with you.

There are a couple of exceptions:

1) If she wants something from you

2) If you’ve pursued her for so long that she

finally “falls into affection” with you - and

decides that you’re probably marriage material

There are probably other exceptions, but these

two cover about 99.97873% of the situations you’ll

run into.

I’d like to talk to you about two important

concepts when it comes to AMPLIFYING attraction.

You may have heard me mention them before.

Here they are:




A man can go from being not interested in sex to

completely ready and totally turned on in about 30

seconds. Hell, it’s probably more like 3 seconds. Or

.3 seconds.

Women, on the other hand, usually start out with

a spark of attraction, and if the situation goes the

right way, she gets more and more turned on… to

the point where she’s ready to have sex.

This can happen relatively quickly, but it

usually takes HOURS.

One technique you can use to actually AMPLIFY

any initial attraction that a woman feels is to use

the technique that I call “Two steps forward, one

step back”.

This simply means progressing a little bit (like

maybe kissing her) and then stepping back for a

little while (maybe leaning back and holding her

hand or not touching at all)… and then moving two

steps forward again (maybe kissing her, then

kissing her neck)… and stopping again… and so


This builds up anticipation. It makes her think

about what’s happening… and want it more and


Women love to be given a little bit, then

teased… so they are waiting in anticipation of

what’s going to come next. Of course, since you

keep taking a step back each time, it even

amplifies the anticipation and sexual tension



Once you start to “get” how this process of

women getting turned on works, you’re going to need

a way to gauge how fast or slow to go… and to

keep a woman interested without turning into a

WussBoy who calls her 10 times a day.

I call this concept “Never let the line go


Imagine that you are holding one end of a rope,

and the woman is holding the other end. Both of you

are pulling gently… enough to keep TENSION in the


It’s a little game.

If she starts pulling, you need to give her a

little bit of slack… but not so much that she

gets it all. And if she starts letting go, you need

to pull a little more to take up the slack and keep

the TENSION up.

This is a great metaphor for the concept of


Most men haven’t the SLIGHTEST IDEA IN THE WORLD

what sexual tension is. But ALL women know what it


Sexual tension is a key to success with women.

So imagine that you’re out with a woman for the

second time.

On the first date you held hands and kissed, and

on this date you’re walking around in the mall


Let’s say you’ve been teasing her a little bit,

and she’s been hitting you and saying “stop it!”,

but she’s laughing so you know that she’s having


Further, let’s say that you’ve teased her so

much that you can tell that it’s actually starting

to get to her. Maybe you were teasing her about her

shoes being ugly, and she stops after the tenth

joke and asks “Wow, do you really think my shoes

are that ugly?”

At this point, she’s letting go of the line a

bit… and you need to do something about it to

keep the tension up.

So you might say “Oh, no… they’re not that

bad… I’m just giving you a hard time”.

At which point she might say “Wow, good. I was

starting to worry that you really hated them and

that it was bothering you”.

And now you have the opposite situation… both

of you are letting the line go slack at the same

time with this whole “No, I think your shoes are

fine” and her saying “Oh, I’m glad you were just

teasing me” thing.

So you have to do something!

You might say “Well, if worse comes to worse you

can always donate them to the Salvation Army so a

needy girl who doesn’t care if her shoes are ugly

can have them”.

You’ll probably get hit, but it puts the tension

back in the line again!

Of course, there’s an art to doing this

correctly, and you will improve with practice.

You can use this in just about every area

imaginable, from how often you call a woman to

being able to tell when it’s appropriate to give a

compliment (and then say something to take it back

in a funny way!).

The problem is that most guys let things go too

far in one direction… they call every day for a

week instead of letting the woman call them back a

couple of times, and waiting a couple or a few days

to call.

Or they hang on a woman’s arm every minute when

they go out together, rather than giving the woman

some space and letting her come find him.

Or they give a woman a compliment, which the

woman appreciates, then they start giving her one

after the other after the other… which comes

across as ULTRA WUSSY KISS ASS BOY… and drives

the woman away.

Don’t do to much of anything… and never let

the line go slack for too long!

When you use these two concepts together, you

will find that not only will a woman become FAR

more attracted to you, but she’ll STAY THAT WAY for

as long as you want her to.

If you DON’T do these two things, then you’re

probably going to find that women will do things

that make no sense to you, and they’ll RARELY want

to be anything more than “just friends”, because

they just don’t “feel it” for you.

How To End ‘Dating Dry Spells’

May 9 2005


Hey David,

Many thanks to you for your knowledge and insight

on women. I have personally seen a 1000% increase

in my ability to attract women. No doubt this

stuff works!! Now i realize the concept is to

double your dating, and not double your

relationships, but my dilemma is one i’m sure you

get a lot.

Here’s the situation:

I met this girl while out at a local club. I’d

say she was an 8.5 - 9 on my scale. But more

importantly, had a personality to match her looks.

Nice!! I immediately sprang into action and went

over with a simple “Hi”. And we chatted for a

few minutes. I kept up the cocky/funny and played

the character. Apparently my manner and approach

was dead on, because she was very responsive and

in fact commented on the way i presented myself.

So anyway, we chatted, i got her number and told

her i’d call. Said good-bye, and left. I

actually called the next night (Sunday) but we

were both too hung over to do anything. Well, on

monday she called me. And has since called me at

least twice for each time i have called her.

We’ve been out several times for drinks as well.

Here’s my problem. I’m very interested in pursuing

something more than casual dating. How do i go

about balancing the art of cocky/funny and

maintaining interest, but also come across as

relationship material without wussing out?? I

haven’t bought her anything in the way of dinner

or gifts, with the exception of a beer or two.

BUT always after she’s bought a round first.

She’s very independent, and i like that about her.

I don’t want some needy woman clinging to me all

the time, but i would like to keep her interest

high and continue through the various bridges you

mention in your book.

It may seem soon, but this one turns my stomach

upside down and i feel the temptation to “Wuss

out”. BUT I REFUSE to turn into my old self. I

guess i want to know some tips you could offer

when you’ve doubled your dating and you find one

you want to keep around for awhile? Is it ever ok

to express your feelings while still keeping up

the attraction? Or would you just continue doing

what works, and see where that leads? Your time

and insight is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


J. Jones

Louisville, Ky


Well, a 1000% increase in success attracting

women isn’t that bad. Try harder.

But your email brings up a topic and scenario

that is very relevant to a lot of guys.

And you’re right… I don’t teach guys how to

“Double Your Relationships”. But that doesn’t mean

that I don’t think that I have something against

getting into longer term relationships.

In fact, I think a great relationship with a

really wonderful woman can be an amazingly

wonderful thing.

The problem is that most guys don’t have the

confidence and choice that comes from

understanding how to attract women anytime,

anywhere… and they wind up settling for whatever

woman happens to like them. And they also tend to

act like total Wuss Bags when they ARE in

relationships because they have fear around the

idea of her leaving.

And this brings me to your question about what

a guy should do if he meets a woman that he’s like

to work toward a longer term relationship with.

The FIRST thing you should do is what you’re

doing… lean back and give her space.

Most guys want to try and “corner the market”

as quickly as they can when they meet a woman that

they like, and try to convince the woman to be

exclusive immediately.

In my experience this is a BAD idea for a few


1. You don’t know her very well yet. I make it a

personal rule to not get into a

“boyfriend/girlfriend” relationship with a woman

for at LEAST 3-6 months. I want to get to know a

woman before I’m interested in being attached.

I once met a really hot girl for a cup of tea,

and she told me that she likes to date a guy for a

couple of weeks, then form a monogamous,

long-term, boyfriend and girlfriend relationship

with him, then sleep together.

This was all at the first meeting I had with

her over a cup of tea.

I told her that she was crazy, and that I’d

never get into a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship

with some woman that I’d only known for a couple

of weeks… and then I left.

I had images of coming home in a few weeks and

finding her going through my closets and saying

“Who’s is this?”

Get to know a woman before you make your


2. If a woman is the type that will get into a

serious relationship with you quickly, then

there’s probably a good chance that SHE has some


The last thing you need is a clingy woman that

is out looking around for a man to complete her

and give her life meaning…

So you’re doing the right thing. Nice.

If you want to pursue a relationship

relationship, then you might want to actually

start doing a sweet, romantic thing or two every

once in awhile.

A card, a flower, etc. is all it takes to

communicate your message. But use them wisely, and

don’t start acting like a needy wussy!

Also, when you start saying things like “I was

thinking about you”, “I really like spending time

with you”, and other lovey talk it says the same


Again, use sparingly… especially with

independent women!

And ultimately, if you want to actually have a

real, honest-to-goodness relationship, then tell

her how you feel about her.

If you think she’s worth having a relationship

with, then you’re going to need to take the risk

at some point of telling her.

I hope it works out for you!


Dear Dave,

In one of your previous newsletters, you told


“You really need to remember to GIVE


I’m in college, and find that I am meeting a lot

of good looking and fun ladies. I met a girl,

she’s a perfect 10. Anytime I talk to her or see

her, I am as cocky/funny as I can be, and it seems

to work. The problem I have is that she lives in

my dorm. How can I give her that gift? Anything

you’ve got is appreciated.



It doesn’t even matter if you’re MARRIED AND

LIVING IN THE SAME HOUSE. You can still give

someone the gift of missing you by STAYING BUSY,


This is a mindset.

It’s something you can do anytime, with anyone.

Next time you talk to her, don’t make plans to

see her, and get off the phone quickly.

Next time you walk by her in the dorm, just say

“HI” and tell her to give you a call tomorrow.

Be busy. Have a life.

But you might want to at least get a date with

this girl before you move onto advanced things

like “giving her the gift of missing you”.


Hey David-

You have some really good stuff to teach. It’s not

just the run-of-the-mill “how to get chicks” info,

but a more in-depth psychological approach to the

problem (which isn’t much of a problem if you use

techniques like yours). Anyway, I was just

working on my C&F by giving girls some flack when

I can. It seems to work well. However, I was

wondering what you’d say in this situation: I was

talking to a girl and she asked me to do a favor

for her. Using your technique of not seeming wussy

and just saying “uh, OK” I said, “What do I get in

return?” Instead of the responses you talked about

like, “Whatever you want.” and “A hug/kiss/etc”,

which would be easy for me to say “Not good

enough” and dog on her a bit, she said “What do

you want?” I turned around with what I thought was

a pretty good C&F remark of “What? You’re THAT

easy?!? Well, that’s no fun!”

The thing is, I wanted to be able to know what she

thought was okay to give in return, but she left

it up to me, so what do you say to “What do you

want?” to test the waters and/or get the results

you want? Thanks in advance, David. I’m sure

you’ll be answering this question for many readers

besides just me if you post it in your mailbag



Pueblo, CO


Next time a woman answers the question “What do

I get in return” with the answer “Whatever you

want”, I want you to answer in the following


“Great, I want a two hour full body massage, a

home cooked dinner, and to be tucked in and kissed

on the forehead just like mom used to do… and

not necessarily in that order.”

Say that.


you rock, man

ah. yay, seems like yi_iy reads this too. ^-^

which part is unbelievable? me still posting it?

Can ‘Nice Guys’ Attract Women?

May 13 2005


Hi David. I appreciate the service you provide to

us single (and I’m sure some not-so-single) men

out here. I am preparing to download your book as

soon as I am done with this email. About a week

ago at work, a girl that I have known for about a

year now and I were talking about things to do in

the city. She suggested that we should maybe hang

out sometime, and all I said was "I don’t think

you could handle this " – and boom – she was

hooked! I was totally amazed first of all that I

said anything like that, and second that it really


Now my question: I was at a bar the other night

and ran into a girl that I knew and somewhat hung

out with about 4 years ago and have not seen her

since. She said she was single, and told me to

get my phone out because she was going to give me

her phone number. This is a girl that I have

always [wanted], and now that I have the chance

I’m starting to get cold feet. I’ve set-up a lunch

for this week, but I’m not sure since we already

know each other if I should still do the cocky +

funny deal or stick with (my usual) nice guy


Thanks again!

Wussy in Wichita. (LOL)


Here’s a good rule of thumb:

If your behavior isn’t getting you the

consistent results that you’d like to get, CHANGE


Do ANYTHING different.

I’m serious here.

If what you’re doing isn’t working, DO


And if you’ve FOUND SOMETHING that works, then


(Hint: In case you haven’t figured it out, I

think you should ix-nay the ice-nay uy-gay outine-


And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the

words “nice guy” translate into “ICE-NAY UY-GAY”

in Pig Latin.

Read that again, because it was pretty funny.

In summary, I think you might want to stick

with the cocky+funny personality. It’s working for

more than a few guys out there, and it can work

for you (as you’ve seen).

On a side topic…

From the way I talk, you might start to get the

idea that I’m against being nice to women.

Quite the contrary.

I think that it’s great to be nice to women.

Just do it in a way that doesn’t make them

think of you as a “nice guy.”

Oh, that sounds interesting.

So the question is: How can I be nice without

making her see me as a super-wussy who would pay a

hundred dollars just to have one quick dig through

her dresser?

I just figured out how to say this in a simple,

concise way… so listen up:



Wow, that was cool. Nice and simple.

So here are a few examples:

1) Tell her that she walks slower than your

mom, then open all doors for her.

2) Tell her that she’s too uptight and she

needs to settle down because it’s annoying, then

rub her shoulders.

3) Give her a hard time about her driving, then

kiss her.

Are you with me?

One of the concepts that I talk about in my

book “Double Your Dating” is ALWAYS SEND MIXED


Why would you want to send mixed messages?

Because it’s interesting.

Because if it’s done right, it’s attractive.

Because attractive women are fascinated by it

when it’s mixed with a cocky/funny personality.

I hope that those reasons work for you.

Attractive women are sooooo over guys who kiss

up to them, buy them things, take them out, and

act “nice”.

Attractive women are looking for something


A challenge. A spark. Sassy, cheeky, mouthy,

ballsy, witty, charming. An unpredictable, funny

guy like yourself to take her attention, and run

with it.

Now, how unpredictable is “nice”? How much of a

challenge is “nice”? How much of a spark is in


Exactly. Not much.

So, in summary: Be nice… but do it on your

own terms. And mix nice BEHAVIOR with COCKY AND


This magical combination will keep her interest

for as long as you’d like to have it.

Remember, attractive women are different. They

know that they can have anything they want. SO

DON’T GIVE IT TO THEM… and they’ll love you.

Does this sound “counter-intuitive” to you?

Good. It is. And it works like gangbusters.

from me: that was a great summary of his approaches

Body Language

May 17, 2005

Most men try to behave like “nice guys” when they meet an attractive woman, but many (or maybe even most) women only feel ATTRACTION when they’re around a man that they perceive to be a “sexual threat”… do you know what a sexual threat is and how to communicate that you ARE one? (And no, I don’t mean that you should communicate that you’re a stalker or a sexual pervert… communicating that you’re a Sexual Threat simply means that you’re communicating sexual CONFIDENCE, which she PERCEIVES on an unconscious level as “serious” enough to be a THREAT.)


Eye Contact And Body Language To Attract Women

May 19 2005


Just wanted to share a little bit of what your

lessons have done for me. I read your book and

started concentrating on what I thought was my

weak points. I did as your book recommended and

started picturing myself as the cocky funny person

I wanted to be. I even did the whole daydream

practice thing everyday. I work at a fitness

center so I see lots of hot women all the time.

My biggest weakness is that I look away quickly

after eye contact is made. I decided that before

I started trying to approach women I would make it

my goal for a couple of weeks to just make eye

contact and hold it until they looked away. Ok,

here is the good part. After practicing eye

contact for a couple of weeks and doing the whole

mental exercise thing, I was at work one day

working out after my break and was practicing my

eye contact thing between sets with this really

hot girl near the dumbbell rack.

I knew she noticed but it never bothered me cause

I had no intentions of acting. Well, I had to go

over to get a set of dumbbells for my next

exercise and as I got close to where she was she

suddenly turned around and said “I have a

boyfriend” and turned around. Normally I would

have kinda stood there in shock and said nothing

but, I guess all that mental practice paid off.

With out even thinking or pausing the words just

came out. I said “Hey that’s great I am happy for

you. (Pause - and in a lower tone) I know this is

probably a major accomplishment for you but to the

rest a the world this is kinda normal so you might

not want to go telling every stranger you see.”

Then I just walked off with my weights to do my

sets. 5 min later she comes over to me and

apologizes and asks for my number. Turns out she

didn’t have a boyfriend but was just tired of

being picked up by losers while she was trying to

do a workout. Thanks for the pleasant surprise!



Niiiiice one.

Your letter is really a wonderful affirmation

and summary of some of my favorite concepts:

1) Read my book “Double Your Dating” 2) Actually

use the material and mentally rehearse 3) Start

from where you’re at 4) Be Cocky & Funny 5) Show

complete indifference 6) Use illogical Jedi-Level

mind power to create ATTRACTION.

于 2005-05-14 01:08, gogatsu 写:

So, in summary: Be nice… but do it on your

own terms. And mix nice BEHAVIOR with COCKY AND


This magical combination will keep her interest

for as long as you’d like to have it.

Remember, attractive women are different. They

know that they can have anything they want. SO

DON’T GIVE IT TO THEM… and they’ll love you.

Does this sound “counter-intuitive” to you?

Good. It is. And it works like gangbusters.

agree with the logic here... people always treasure things that they don't have more than things that they already have... so, playing hard 2 get it a good strategy... even tho i still think that dating shouldn't be about playing games... call me naive~

于 2005-05-20 03:03, paigewen 写:

agree with the logic here… people always treasure things that they don’t have more than things that they already have… so, playing hard 2 get it a good strategy… even tho i still think that dating shouldn’t be about playing games… call me naive~

it’s true

the reason behind it tho i think is that people associate readily available goods with in-valuables. 话说“物以稀为贵”. he does say try to be different from other guys as well.

I dont think dating is about playing games either.

I think what he says has a lot of truth in it, that a girl would much more prefer a guy who knows what he’s doing, secure about himself, and can hold himself together, and his ‘short-cut’ display somehow would give an impression of that.

good good ~~

于 2005-05-20 03:10, gogatsu 写:

it’s true

the reason behind it tho i think is that people associate readily available goods with in-valuables. 话说“物以稀为贵”. he does say try to be different from other guys as well.

I dont think dating is about playing games either.

I think what he says has a lot of truth in it, that a girl would much more prefer a guy who knows what he’s doing, secure about himself, and can hold himself together, and his ‘short-cut’ display somehow would give an impression of that.

true... but i like down to earth guys... don't like guys who r too sure of themselves...

just cos of my feminist nature i think...

i like down to earth guys too :shy:

Dating After Divorce Or Relationship Breakup

May 27 2005


I am at the end of long long divorce settlement -

(18 months) I started dating about six months

after our split – meeting most on the internet-

Found I was naturally using some cocky and funny

but accelerated when I started getting your


Meeting them and lining them up has been no

problem-but once we are intimate --they want

exclusivity–I can’t know what I want yet (except

sex)–but don’t want some of the good ones to get

away–I keep hearing “you want your cake and eat

it too!!”

Also—had one I was dating recently–wanted to

know about anybody and everyone else I was seeing

—said the openness was good for a relationship.

I disagreed??



I’m glad you wrote in, because I think that

this is a topic that is near and dear to a lot of

single men.

And even though I have not been married myself,

I know what it’s like to be in a relationship for

a couple of years and then all of a sudden be

single again… and I know what it’s like to feel

like you’re starting over again.

You have brought up some great points here, so

let’s see if I can add some insight.

First, I think that it’s pretty natural for a

guy who has just ended a long-term relationship to

feel rather “naked” when it comes to women and


Often times, there are problems and drama when

two people break up, and sometimes you even have

jealousy and other issues to deal with.

So one of the most important things to do when

you’re “getting back into the swing of things” is

to remember that things will improve with time.

It might take you a few weeks or months after

you start dating again to feel like “you’re back”.

You might even feel a little needy and lonely,

which I also think is natural after breaking up

with someone who you were very close to.

A critical mistake to avoid is TURNING INTO A




Now, it doesn’t sound to me like this is your

problem, but I think that something like this

might be part of one of your problems.


Whatever… I’ll just keep talking and you’ll

figure out what I’m saying.

You probably had been in your relationship for

at least a few YEARS. When you’re in a

relationship for this long, I think that guys

naturally start behaving differently than they

would if they were just dating a woman.

It’s natural and expected that you’re going to

see your spouse every day, sleep with her every

night (I said sleep with, not have sex with… I

know, I know)… and generally be “around” all the


Well, when you start DATING a woman, one of the

KEY factors that she looks at to decide whether or

not you’re going to be “relationship” material is


I’m going to bet that these women you’re

meeting who want to be “exclusive” with you, are

responding that way because you’re spending A LOT

of time with them.

If you’re only interested in dating, and not in

forming a relationship, then try this:


And only call her once or twice a week as well.

This should solve your “I want to be exclusive”


Women tend to get into “relationship mode” when

you start ACTING like you’re already in one.

And a big part of that is how often you see


If you only see her once a week or so, a woman

will sense at a deep level that you’re not ready

to “settle down” with her, and that you’re busy

doing other things and PROBABLY dating other


Next, you mentioned that you were dating a

woman and she wanted to know about every other

woman you were seeing, and that “the openness

would be good for the relationship”.


I wasn’t there when she said it, so I can’t be

sure, but my guess is that what she meant was “The

openness would be good for ME, because I want to

know” and NOT that it would be good for the


This is subtle, but see if you can follow me.

You said that you disagreed (with a question

mark, which to me means that you’d like to know

whether or not I agree with you disagreeing).

I’d like to know HOW you disagreed, personally.

A lot of guys come across as weak when they

disagree because they just sound either

argumentative or insecure - or even worse, like

they’re trying to hide something.

If a woman said to me “Tell me about all the

other women you’re seeing. I think it would be

good for the relationship”, I’d probably say:

“Whose relationship are you talking about?”

…and then I’d laugh.

Or I might say “I don’t kiss and tell”, then

smile at her.

In any case, I wouldn’t ever communicate in a

way that says “I’m uncomfortable” or “I’m going to

give you what you want so you like me”.

You have to remember that a woman is going to

test your limits at ALL TIMES. And it never ends.

If you kiss up to a woman and give her what

she’s asking in the moment, she probably won’t

respect you in the LONG TERM because she knows

that she can get whatever she wants from you.

So if you answer a question like this by


1) Telling her what she wants to know, even

though you don’t WANT to tell her…


2) Telling her that you disagree in a way that

makes her think that you’re trying to hide


…then she’s going to feel like she “has

something on you” and that she can get her way

with you in the future.

Or she might just up and leave because she

feels like you’re seeing other women AND trying to

hide it.

I know, isn’t it all so complex?

My personal perspective on this topic is that a

man and woman should typically wait at LEAST a few

months before getting into any kind of


And if I’m dating a woman and she asks me if

I’d like to get into a relationship, and if I’m

seeing other women, I’ll answer something like


“First of all, I don’t think it’s a good idea

for a man and woman to have a RELATIONSHIP

relationship until after they’ve known each other

for AT LEAST 3-6 months. One of the reasons why a

lot of relationships end so BADLY is because the

two people didn’t take the time to get to know

each other first. Also, I think it’s a bad idea

to talk about other people that you’re seeing

during that time, because almost nothing good can

come of it” - and I leave it at that.

As you can probably tell, I really believe


Again, it’s crucial that you don’t answer a

question like this in a way that is defensive or


If you do, you’ll risk being rejected for being

sneaky or dishonest.

To sum up, it sounds to me like you’re probably

used to being in a close relationship, and you’re

ACTING like you’re in a relationship with these

women that you’re just dating. When you do this,

a woman will start to feel those “relationship”

emotions and start asking questions and behaving

like she’s your girlfriend.

If you lean back a little, if you don’t see a

woman more than once or twice a week, and if you

stop behaving in a way that says “we’re in a

relationship now”, then the women will get it.

They’ll pick up on your body language and

communication and stop acting like girlfriends or
