[Recreation]What Women Want [UPDATE Nov 2]

So I’ve tested it, and it works like I wouldn’t have

believed. My ex-girlfriend that I’m back with again

can’t do much about it…recently, she said with a

real smile: “You made fun of me from day one!” with

kind of a hint! hint! attitude of “and please do more

of that”. If a woman wants to tell you she’s really

into you, she’ll normally say ANYTHING but “I really

like you” or so. More like “You’re so funny” or “You’re

so nasty”, all with a smile. Almost always something

in the “You’re so…” category.

Then there’s something else I’ve noticed…

When you talked about how mothers raise boys to be

wussies, I gave the “why” a little thought…ever

said something fresh or wisecrackish to mom? Generally,

you unleash the fire of the dragon about how you’d

better never, ever do that again.

How come mothers (and teachers, for that matter) respond

so negatively when their sons behave C&F when other

girls love it? Well…C&F is disarming and hits women

in a spot where they can feel their power over you

diminish to zero. And no mother wants a kid who subtly

communicates “I don’t give a damn about what you think

of me” and such, let alone have a kid who has power

over her. No way! As long as he’s the wussy (and not

the other way round!), we can play happy family.


LM from Liechtenstein



Your ebook completely changed the way I have always

believed how a man should act when approaching women

in order to get her attracted. I used to try so hard

to treat women nicely but at the end I turned myself

into a big wuss and ended up going nowhere. Sometimes,

even now, I am still wondering why the C&F stuff attracts

women because I feel like somehow it’s just simply

another way of being arrogant except that it’s a little

more subtle. I guess it’s just like what you said,

things don’t always make sense. As long as it works

and gets the result, who cares whether it makes sense

or not?

The reason why I am writing you today is because I

have two questions that I would like to ask and any

advice would be appreciated. The SECOND QUESTION maybe

sensitive to some of the readers out there and therefore

you may just want to respond privately.

1) Through my experience, I have realized that once

a woman has categorized me into the “no” group, it’s

impossible to get out of it. Basically I mean the first

impression is EXTREMELY important. If I can’t show her

my C&F side in the beginning and once I am considered

a provider but not a lover, there is NO WAY OUT. I

have found that getting a second chance to redeem

myself extremely difficult. Is there a way to change

a woman’s mind if this is the case?

2) I came from the Far East and I have been living

in the U.S. for over 10 years. I noticed that women

in this country would date their own men, Hispanics,

Europeans and those from the Middle East. However,

I rarely, I mean really rarely see an Asian guy dating

an American woman over the last so many years. I thought

a lot about it and think that this is because many

of these people fall into the “Lover” groups you mentioned

in one of your books - the Adventurers, Seducers,

Artists and Bad Boys.

Meanwhile, my believe is that Asians are typically

considered nice guys which means providers. Our culture

has been traditionally emphasized on “keep the harmony,

don’t be arrogant, give compliments, don’t rock the

boat, etc.” and therefore I feel that many us may

find the C&F idea difficult to follow due to what

we have been taught.

Let’s just say that we get rid of this problem and

finally learn how to be C&F, the problem is now how

to convince a woman not to stereotype me as a provider

before I even open my mouth and have a chance to prove

myself. I fear that most of the women out there automatically

put me into the “no” or provider category as soon

as they see me.

Dave, TX


OK, to answer your first question…

I get a TON of email from guys who are looking for

the answer to the magic question “How do I get a woman

who I’ve convinced not to like me to give me a second


The answer is: DON’T. JUST MOVE ON.

It’s not worth the time, effort, and energy.

The best thing you can do is stop calling her, start

dating other women, and if you can, make sure she

finds out that you’ve moved on.

Get one with your life. And, ironically, that will

give you the best chances of her feeling attracted

to you again.

To answer your second point…

I have friends of all races, colors, sizes, ages,

etc. and I’ve found that looks are SECONDARY.

All other things being equal, a six-foot three guy

who is 21 years old, a multi-millionaire, drives a

Ferrari, and is famous will have an easier time meeting


But I have one friend who is about 5’4" tall, ASIAN,

and has an average income who is UNREAL when it comes

to meeting women. He’s always surrounded by a group

of hot young women who love him.

Why? Because he GETS IT!

And I believe that you can to, no matter what your

looks, age, race, etc.

I know MANY guys that approach woman all the time…

in the hall, in the store, at clubs, on the internet,

and every other place on the planet… and I’ve heard

of VERY, VERY few instances where something bad came

of it.

And, in fact, the worst I’ve EVER heard of is having

a drink thrown in your face or a slap.

I’ve never heard of:

1. Permanent bodily injury.

2. Death.

3. Irreparable damage to self esteem.

(Although I’m sure that some dumb-ass somewhere on

the planet has figured out a way to have one of these

things happen to him as a result of approaching a


Here, try this:

Next time you walk by a girl in the hall, look her

right in the eye and give her a slight smile.

Then say “Hey, can I ask you a question?”

When she stops and says “Sure”, say:

“Are you single?”

If she asks “Why?” say:

“Well, I know someone who I think would REALLY find

you attractive. He’s nice, funny, interesting… and

I think you might like him. (smile in a knowing way

as you say all of this, hinting that you might be talking

about yourself)”

Then ask “Do you have email?”

If she asks if you’re talking about yourself, just

look at her and say “Maybe”.

Get her email, say “I’ll have him email you”, and

walk away.

This is a fun way to start a conversation, and the

direct “Are you single?” question really throws women

off balance for a moment.


Hey Dave,

I thought I would write in on how knowing how to “recognize”

BEING A WUSS does have its advantages !!

A few weeks ago I started dating this one gal - a

6, maybe 7, but an 8 personality. She started to get

all clingy and calling all the time, but I don’t have

time to sit on the phone with non-customers (not getting

paid) all day. She was starting to get annoying. But

I don’t have a mean bone in my body, enough to tell

her to scram.

I had a slow week coming up, I remembered everything

from the newsletters, and decided to use it OPPOSITE

of the intended purpose. I started calling HER all

the time, stopping by her work bringing her lunch,

would call and ask if I could come over in the evenings,

etc. When we did go out, I would purposely act like

I didn’t care where we went, and made her decide.

Basically, to quote words of THE master, “THE ULTIMATE

WUSS BAG” !! I mean, I poured it on worse than before

I started getting the newsletters, because I NOW KNEW

what to do and HOW to do it!

Well, Dave (and anyone else reading), it worked like

a charm!! She started saying how different we were

and that maybe I should date other women as well.

When I heard that line, I knew I was on my way to

FREEDOM!! Another day or so of it, to make sure

it “took hold”, and haven’t talked to her since. And

I’m betting she is not upset in the least.


Austin, TX



We are now

in a relationship, and I am very much into her (she is

emotionally stable, always honest with me, and not to

mention stunningly beautiful) but I have a couple problems.

Often times, she gives me signals that she does not

feel secure in the relationship, as if I am about to

drop her at any moment for another girl. Perhaps this

is because I don



I recently saw firsthand what being cocky around a

woman can do. I was at a party with some people from

my work, and I started talking with this one girl

(Actually, she started talking to me). Anyway, she

was telling me how she had to wear a different dress

because the zipper got stuck on the other one. A

friend of mine who will say anything to anyone at

anytime then asked her “Why, because your ass is too

big?” Now, I would never think of saying such a thing,

and she seemed a bit appalled at first, but guess

who she proceeded to talk to the rest of the night?

Oh, by the way, he also told her he liked “the dye

in her hair.”

I have one question for you: I met a girl at a party

on a Halloween weekend. I made a joke about her costume,

she played along with it, then when I told her I was

leaving she voluntarily gave me her number. I called

her twice, but she didn’t return my calls. In the

meantime, I was trying to set up a date with another

girl who promptly answered my calls, but let’s just

say she looked a lot better at the club with the lights

down low. So now I want to call the hot one, but I

don’t want to look stupid because I waited so long.

What do you think?



San Diego



I have to say, it takes game to look a woman right

in the eye and ask “Why, because your ass is too big?”


I’ve done similar things, but you’d better make sure

that it’s funny.

Not for the weak of heart!

And to answer your question about calling the cute

girl back.

Look, in the book “The Rules” (the one that teaches

women how to play games to get a man to marry them)

the authors recommend that women NOT call men, and

RARELY return men’s calls.

So don’t worry about it.

Some guys don’t like to call women more than once

or twice, but I ask you this:

What is there to lose?

If you have to call her once a week for five weeks

until you get a hold of her, what have you wasted?

Five extra minutes dialing the phone?

So what?

Now, if you’re feeling like a needy little puppy,

and you’re calling her five times A DAY trying to

get a hold of her, that’s a different story.

As long as you’re getting on with your life, keeping

busy, and dating other women, then keep trying until

you reach her.

I’ll personally keep calling a woman until either:

1. She tells me to stop calling her (which has never


2. I get too busy to care anymore (which happens all

the time)

3. I set up a meeting with her

Overcoming Fear And Meeting Women In Bars

Apr 25 2005

lets take this example, im in a pub with a friend of mine, close to us are, lets say 3 goodlooking girls on a table and two of them seem to be interested because they keep on looking to us…they smile at us, look in our eyes for a few

seconds and play with their hair, showing you their “delicious” neck , talk with a loud voice to take your attention and so on ( some of the signs women usually make)…my problem is now how to go on! they seem to be interested but nobody is outgoing enough to walk over to the other table to start a conversation in order to establish a first contact… you always teach us that the content of the conversation is not so important as the way you say it right? but what can i tell them? ( fear of rejection i know) . how would you react or behave? walking by, what would you tell them? ( i think just asking them if they want to sit down with us on our table is very wussy)… try to give us concrete examples of the first “cocky&funny” contact in a pub or other tipical places… that would be great…

thanks for helping the wussyfied planet…(;


Rome, Italy


I think the issue that you’re PROBABLY dealing with


You’re probably afraid to go start a onversation because you don’t want to be rejected by the women.

Once you can face this reality and start to deal with it, then you’ll start making more progress.

My experience starting conversations with groups of more than one woman in bars is that your ENERGY makes a huge impact.

In other words, if you walk over and act nervous and stilted, the women will get nervous and act cold.

If you act like you’re having a good time, you think they look like some fun people to talk to, and you start on that note, they’ll be FAR more likely to be friendly and open.

Now, I know a lot of guys who are GREAT at meeting women in bars. Some of them use rather interesting and complex techniques that range from “pick up lines” all the way to magic and psychic readings.

Try this:

Pick up your drink, walk over to the table, think of the funniest moment of your life so you have a smile on your face, and say “What, are you girls shy or something?”

When they say “NO, why?”

Answer “Because I’ve been sitting at the next table for at least a half hour and you haven’t come over to say hi to me!”

I have about 3 different friends who all use variations of this opening… and it works great (if you’re having fun when you say it).

You need to get over your FEAR. Once you stop caring what women think of you, then you’ll make a LOT more progress.


First off, I am an avid reader of your material and

I employ it often. It works - well. I bought your

ebook about a year ago and it was worth every penny.

Anyway, enough ass-kissing. I have a general comment

about the whole gift-buying, dinner-buying kissing

a woman’s ass concept. You say that doing such things

to win over a woman’s attention are foolish. I agree

wholeheartedly. However, I am in a relationship now

with a woman that I really like, and sometimes I want

to buy her things or take her out, etc. This isn’t

because I feel I have to, but it is because I want to

treat her well. I don’t feel that if I don’t do this,

she will leave me. Therein lies the difference between

being foolish and needy about it, and doing it by your

own decision. It is the INTENT behind what you do that

is important. If you do something for a woman because

you feel you have to or you will possibly lose her,

she can more than likely sense that, and will have

limitless amounts of power over you. If you do something

because you want to, then she will sense the apparent

confidence in you, and will not necessarily have power

over you because of it. Besides, like you say, a woman

should want you for YOU - your personality - not what

you can buy her or where you can take her. NOTE: I agree

that gift-giving, etc. is a somewhat bad idea in the

beginning of a relationship for the same reasons you

don’t like it. It makes you appear needy and insecure,

and no (emotionally stable) woman wants that in a man.

P.S. It was your material that helped give me the

mentality to get with the girl I am dating currently.

Good work fella!

J from Philly



You get it!

It’s the intent behind what you’re doing.

I have a little secret that I’m going to share with

you. But lean in close, so I can whisper. I don’t want

anyone else to hear…

I actually have guy friends who are REALLY good with

women who take women to dinner, buy them drinks, etc.

when they first meet.

What, you say?

How can this be?

Well, the big difference is that these guys are NOT

doing this stuff to GET THE WOMAN’S APPROVAL.

And since EVERYTHING ELSE they’re doing clearly communicates

the RIGHT things, they can actually do whatever they

want, and still not screw things up.

In other words, if you don’t understand how ATTRACTION

works, and you don’t know how to communicate with women

in a way that makes them feel it for YOU, then buying

drinks and dinner, and giving compliments, and all

the other things most guys do will only BACKFIRE.

On the other hand, once you totally understand how

and why women feel ATTRACTION, you can do whatever

you want.

And later on, when you find a girl that you really

like and you’re enjoying a relationship, of course

it’s nice to do nice things for her.

Just remember, be very careful.

It’s easy to be lured back to the dark side… and

to try to get women to like you by paying for things

and taking them places… which it will never do.

My question involves one of the ‘testing’ behaviors

you described in a previous newsletter. You said that

one way women often test men is by canceling plans

at the last minute, or by flaking out altogether with

little or no notice. I’ve had this happen to me numerous

times and I always assumed these girls were just being

careless or inconsiderate… or worse yet, ignoring

me in the hopes that I would “get the message” and walk

away, without them having to go thru the awkwardness

of outright rejecting me! It never occurred to me that

they might be doing it intentionally, and then taking

note of my response in order to see if I passed some

kind of test. Is that really what’s going on? And

if so, how do I pass the test? What is a woman looking

for in this type of situation?




Well, it is true that women use things like this to

test men… but it’s ALSO true that women do things

like this because they want to AVOID CONFRONTATION.

In other words, a woman will sometimes make plans with

a guy just to avoid saying “no” in the moment.

But later, she’ll flake or cancel because “something

came up”… when she never intended to show up in the

first place.

If women are flaking out on you a lot, it’s probably

something that YOU’RE doing up front.

In any case, try this:

Next time you’re talking to a woman on the phone and

making plans to get together for tea, say “Let me ask

you a quick question. Do you ever flake out on things?”

She’ll say “Not usually” (or some other non-committal

thing, most likely).

Say “Good, because it’s one of those things that I

really can’t deal with… people that can’t keep their

word…and there are a lot of flaky people in this


That might help.

And if she DOES flake at the last minute, don’t accept


If she calls and says “Oh, something came up…” just

answer back “You know, I was just starting to think

you were DIFFERENT from all the flaky women I’ve met”…

Make it clear to women that it is NOT OK to waste your

time, and they’ll waste it less.

But if you act nice and sweet and accommodating…

and you transmit the message that it’s OK to flake

because you’re a nice guy and won’t care, then it will

happen to you all the time.


hey dave,

i need an answer to a question that has confused the

hell out of me. well, i received a bunch of red roses

for valentines day from my girlfriend of about 2 months

now. i gave her 2 roses, a small teddy bear thing and

a short card with a bit of c+f talk. i figured that

i had made a bit of a mistake by buying her this much,

but when i gave it all to her she looked so happy and

told me that SHE owed ME bigtime for what i had done.

the rest of the day i had no problems with kissing her

or anything else. my question is, why havent i been

seen as a wuss to her? i know that in most other scenarios,

buying this much stuff would have got me nowhere.

by the way, your research and advice is all spot on.

its helped me to attract loads of girls, including

my current girlfriend. thanks and keep up the great

work mate.




The reason she said that she “owes you big time” is

because of the WAY you did it.

When you incorporate the attitude into all of your

communication with women, it has a HUGE impact.

The fact that you:

1) Did something thoughtful (the card, two flowers,


2) AND you said Cocky & Funny things in the card

…clearly communicated that you were NOT doing this

because you wanted to kiss up to her and get her approval.

One of the greatest things you can do is EVERY time

you do something nice for a girl and she THANKS you

for it, say “Yea, you owe me” in a sarcastic tone.

Then, later, get her to pay up.

I like massages, personally.

There’s something magical about always putting a high

value on yourself, your time, and your attention. If

you put a high value on it, women will too.

Making Women Feel Sexually Attracted To You

May 3 2005


Hey Dave,

To start, I just want to say that you are incredible.

I’m not gonna leap up and start preaching here, I’m

no reverend to the Temple of David, but I will cut

straight to the chase. I’ve been reading your newsletter

for a while and it is working really well. I’ve always

been c/f, but I was afraid of offending the woman I

set my sights on. I finally have the confidence to

unleash this beast, problem is, I have the tendency

to start busting on a girl, and when I see it’s working…

I blank. A good example


Man, man man! I have got to tell you! I was a skeptic

at first…really…I was! Because I thought that

being C&F was somehow trying to be mean, but it’s actually

the opposite!

I was at school (well, not really school, but college)

in the student cafe, chilling, and a good friend of

mine (a really attractive girl that I’ve had my eye

on for a while) sat down next to me.

Her: “hi.”

Me: “Oh, hi there, (her). So what’s up?”

Her: “Well, I just passed that big psychology test

with a 95.”

Me: smiles “Cool. So how do you think this’ll effect

your grade?”

Her: laughes “Ah, well it probably won’t do much.”

Me: smiles “Nah, it probably won’t. It’s not like

you actually know the material, everybody knows you

probably cheated. Heh.”

Her: laughs “Hey”

Me: Mocking her (she has a squeaky voice) “Hey!”

lol. C’mon now, both you and I know that you know

the back of your eyelids more than you know about that

class. All you do in there is sleep!

I then lay my head down and start making mock snoring

noises. She loved that! We talked some more and later,

I finally got her phone number and I called her and

we arranged plans for a lunch date. Cool! The thing

is, is that you are actually being NICER by being C&F

because you are giving her what she wants, and making

her feel special around you! NOW I GET IT! THANKS MAN!




Yea, you know, that was probably a bad idea to actually

say something INTERESTING AND FUNNY to her.

When she said “hi” to you, you probably should have

just acted shy and nervous, and hoped that if you were

nice enough over the next 6 months that maybe she’d

notice you and fall in love magically.

You probably should have just told her what a great

job she did on her test, and how maybe she could help

you study sometime (as a subtle and dumb-ass way to

hint that you like her).

You know, you’re RIGHT about one thing:

When you’re Cocky & Funny (and you’re ACTUALLY funny

when you’re doing it), you ARE giving women what they


Go figure. You get to actually have fun, not kiss

ass, AND be successful with women.

Thanks for the great story.



I am recently divorced and just getting back in the

game, so your letters are definitely a great reminded

as to what works (and I have read the ebook). I just

had to share an experience with you.

I’m at dinner with this girl the other night (3rd date)

and she is telling how her best friend’s husband is

completely whipped over his wife. To the point that

he won’t make a decision or take a step without her.

As she’s telling me this I am of course leaning way

back. She obviously wants me to say something, but

I just slightly raise an eyebrow. Then the kicker,

she asks me if I have ever been whipped on a girl or

if I could be. I gave her the nice, long pause and

said what do you think? She responded with “No Way!”

Now this girl is very intelligent and fairly aggressive,

but she then says that she has to have a guy that is

more aggressive and she can’t stand when guys don’t

take the lead. I thought this girl might be reading

your emails.

Then later at my apartment as we are all over each

other on the couch, she stops and asks me “what kind

of girl do you respect?” Now that was the first time

a girl asked me that, so I just said “the kind that

is independent and makes her own decisions.” Now I’m

not sure if that was the right thing to say, so about

10 minutes later when I didn’t think things were going

much further, I said “I think we should call it a night”.

She quickly asked me if there was going to be a fourth

date? I said, “of course why wouldn’t there be”. Then

the best happens, she said, “Well, I didn’t think you

liked me the first time we went out and you just have

me a little confused.” Great stuff.

Then I think I make a mistake. She asks me what my

plans are for the next night and I say I don’t have

any. So she asks me to go out the next night and I

say yes even though I would rather hold off for a couple

of days. I have a few questions:

1) What is another way I could respond to the question

of going out the very next night?

2) If I wanted to back out but still keep her interested,

what suggestions do you have?





Now, when she asked you “What kind of woman do you

respect?”, you should have said:

“Ones that don’t ask a lot of questions”


“Ones that earn it”


Get it?

WHAT ARE YOU DOING answering a question like that

with a normal, serious, BORING answer?

Read my book again.

Be more of a CHALLENGE. Be mysterious.


Finally, when she asked you what your plans were

for the next night, you should have said:

“My plans are to not be with YOU, YOU BRAT!”


“That’s classified”


“NO, you CAN NOT take me to Vegas and marry me”

…or any one of 100 ways to both tease her and

put her off the trail of hanging out with you.

You do not need to be deceptive or manipulative

in order to say “I’d prefer to not see you tomorrow


You don’t need permission to NOT see a woman.

By rolling over and doing what you did, you put

aside your own desires, and demonstrated that your

INNER WUSSY is actually in charge.

I’ve threatened the Deuce B. treatment before:

“Don’t make me come down there and He-Bitch Man-Slap


This is completely useless, but TOO FUNNY… so i’ll just post it anyway


Hey Mr.Womanizer

I must say, this is actually the first time I’m impressed

with your email dating tip. You know why? Because this

is the first time your being fully honest, completely

clear and straight forward. To my knowledge this is

the first time your saying a guy should be MEAN AND

JERK to attract women.

I know exactly what your saying. In another words your

saying “you should be a BADBOY to attract women”.

But you also say women like funny guys (sense of humour).

I don’t know any badboys, mean, jerks…who are funny.

They are serious types.

I really think you are confusing people because you

said 2 different things.

OR: do you mean a guy should be a BADBOY-JERK as well

as being FUNNY. But BADBOY-JERK can’t be funny.


I think I’m going to have to make a new rule for

sending questions and comments to me:





Of course, you’ve failed to comply with my new rule

in your email…

But I do have to say, your MIS-interpretation of

my ideas is quite entertaining…

“…a guy should be MEAN AND JERK to attract women…”

Now THERE’S an idea you should get out and try.

The concept of

lol~ this is funny indeed!!!

seriously i think some of these people who seek love advice are so stupid…

btw, thanks for continuously contributing to the salon!!!



Can you give some advice to women? I know your e-mail

is just for men but I REALLY need some help.

I’ve tried to get this guy and I think I need a change

in my attitude towards him. He’s hard to get because

he follows this pattern: he calls, he seems very interested

but a few days or a week later he will change his mind

and ignore me (he’s done the same with 2 other girls)

or he’ll date me for a while then ignore me then come

back a few months later. This last time he tried coming

back to me while dating another girl still and it seemed

that it was only for sex. I flat out refused.

Here is what I’ve tried: If I straight out refuse him

and tell him what I think, he backs off completely.

If I try to be nice and forgiving, he’ll take it and

follow the same pattern.

I need a different attitude for when he’ll come back

next time (not so serious and not so nice either)-

something that will surprise him. Any suggestions?


AC, San Diego


Well, you’re not exactly going to like this, but

I’m about to take your email and use it for my own

selfish purposes…

Here’s what I heard you say:

“Dear David,

I can’t explain it, but for some reason I’m ATTRACTED

to men who are unpredictable, untamed, successful

with other women, and probably BAD FOR ME.”

The thing that REALLY strikes me about your letter

is that you’re basically asking me how to get a guy

who probably ISN’T good for you.

Now, why would you go to all the trouble to think

about this, write me an email, etc.?


You probably KNOW that this guy isn’t going to stay

around, no matter WHAT you do…

But you still want him!

Advice to you: Find a different guy.

Advice to guys: Learn from this example.



First of all your stuff works great. I’m 31 years old–

been rich, been poor and rich again. I’ve been addicted

to personal development my whole life. I even was a

top trainer for motivational guru Tony Robbins and

currently run my own seminar company. Yet your stuff

has opened my eyes, not only does it work with babes

(I have an 19 year old hot Latin… who’s all over me…

and her friends are hitting on me all the time–enough

said. )

This stuff works great in all areas of life. I using

it in business with great results

I have a question though.

I’ve been with this girl about 11 months know and I’m

all-ways busting on her…c/f stuff. I love it and am

natural at it. Even start blow-out fights so we can

have make up latter. Interesting note…the more I do

that the more attracted she becomes. Go figure.

My question is… Do you recommend doing less C/F stuff

when you’ve been going out for awhile or do you pore

it on even more?

I’m Shure I know what you’ll say, but I want to make


Got to run… Look forward to getting your adv. stuff

Thanks again,

EL- New Jersey


Well, first off, I don’t recommend STARTING FIGHTS

in just so you can make up later.

I don’t think that it’s necessary to actually START

serious conflicts with women.

While it DOES work in many cases to intensify a

sexual attraction, it doesn’t lead to long-term health.

As for your question about doing more or less of

the Cocky & Funny with a girl that you’ve been dating

for awhile…

You need to keep doing what WORKS in your life.

Too many men make the mistake of STOPPING the things

that are working.

There is another, less common mistake that some

men make which is to increase the amount of Cocky &

Funny to the point where it becomes predictable, boring,

and annoying.

Once you become comfortable using the material,

you will have a “feel” for it.

Do what works, and stop doing what doesn’t.

Every situation is slightly different, and you’re

at the point where no “formula” will fit your situation


And as for you and your 19 year old hot latin girl…

You suck, and no men like you.


Hi David,

Thanks for all you’ve written. Your writing is inspired

and your wit is great. As a 51 year old man, my success

with your program has easily gone from 20% to about

85%. I generally use email and create a non threatening

relationship through emails, including humor, and romantic

discussions. I avoid sex talk, but when I the woman

brings it up, which they always do, I ask them “Are you

trying to seduce me?” Invariably the women wants to

make the next move… It’s amazing!

There is a subject however, that you haven’t covered…

How to avoid the broken hearted woman? Your techniques

are so successful, and the women get so attached to me

that I can’t get rid of them. It is a difficult situation.

Since I’m certain that this must happen to you often,

I’m wondering how you deal with the woman who becomes

attached to you like Velcro. I really think it might

be worthwhile for you to write a topic on it.

Again, thanks for your marvelous techniques.

With Kindest Regards,

R.D… Massachusetts.


Ohhhh, I see.

So if I write a book and teach you how to get rich

you’re going to email me and tell me that you’re having

trouble spending all the money, and your tax bill is


The answer you’re looking for is simple:

If you don’t want a woman to get attached to you

in the FIRST PLACE, don’t talk her more than a couple

of times a week, or see her more than every week or


That’s the answer you’re looking for.


Hey Dave,

First off, your eBook is awesome. I’ve practiced c&f

on almost every girl I know, both friends and girls

I’ve dated. It’s amazing how much it works on such

a majority of women! Every girl I’ve used it on has

been unbelievably receptive and cannot get enough of

me. Consequently, my confidence is boosted. It’s

one of the best chain-reactions in the world. Here’s

some proof:

There’s this girl I met (before getting your eBook),

and I got her e-mail address through a friend. I

immediately sent her a message telling her how beautiful

she was, how I’ve heard good things about her… you

know, WUSS behavior. Anyway, we started talking on

an instant messenger for a while, and things were going

NOWHERE… until I read a few of your mailbags and got

the eBook that is. This is when I tried c&f and INSTANTLY

turned the tables around. Now she keeps sending me

pictures of her, keeps telling me that she’s never met

anyone like me, and actually BEGS me to get online whenever

I can! Remember, this girl is beautiful… and I rip

on her every chance I get!!! I even catch myself being

mean sometimes when she acts like she’s better than everyone,

but she still eats it up. I know that your advice never

includes being mean or hurtful, but I have learned that

getting mad at a girl for dumb things she does sometimes

makes her realize that you’re not another doormat, and

that you won’t put up with her bullsh** just for the sake

of her attention. Anyway, there was a question to this

whole thing:

A few years ago, I started dating an 9.5 girl with

a 10 personality. No joke, this girl was smart, funny,

and beautiful. We dated for a little while, but she

ended up moving to another town with her family. Needless

to say, we didn’t see each other anymore. The only

contact we had was an e-mail here and there. Fast

forward to 4 years later, and I move to the same town

after finishing college. I ran into her at a restaurant

where she was a waitress, and she was totally surprised

and glad to see me. I kept my cool, didn’t act like

I’ve missed her, but was still upbeat and funny in

the little time we had to talk. A couple weeks after

I saw her, she e-mails me and tells me that she wants

to hang out. She also said she’s seeing someone, even

though he’s gone for a few months, and that she just

“wants to talk.”

So what do I do here, man? I want to see her, but

as more than friends. I’ll obviously keep on doing

what has given me such great success recently, (c&f,

indifference, independence) but I need a little more

advice on the rare “second chance girl.” Should I

bail? just be friends? or try for more using your

techniques? Of course I want the girl that seems

impossible to have, but she’s worth it. Any advice

would help a lot, really.

Thanks again, you’ve given a lot of guys a second chance

at more than just women.

RM, Denver


Well, I think you should stop letting your INNER

WUSS run free on this one.

Stop it!

Stop being ATTACHED to the situation.


If you want to spend time with her, do it.

You have NO IDEA what’s REALLY going through her


She might be seeing a guy casually… he might not

even be a boyfriend.

Or she might be just about to break up with him.

Or she might be almost engaged to him.

Who knows…

But what I DO know is that you need to chill out.

If you want to see her, go have tea for an hour.

Have fun, and don’t act like a WUSS around her.

You need to stop treating this like it’s going to

make or break your personal happiness.

Think about it for a minute. This girl could have

changed over the last four years, and might be someone

that you don’t actually want to be with.

The point is that you need to CHILL.

Making a woman this important this soon is not a

good idea, and it will probably cause you to do something


You’re doing fine, now keep it up!

于 2005-05-04 01:49, paigewen 写:

lol~ this is funny indeed!!!

seriously i think some of these people who seek love advice are so stupid…

btw, thanks for continuously contributing to the salon!!!


missed your comment. it was funny wasn’t it? hehehe

that’s all the mailbag for today.

[ 编辑者 gogatsu 于日期 04May05 ]