[Recreation]What Women Want [UPDATE Nov 2]


I need some help and i think that you have the best

advice so here is the problem, I like this girl at

my college and she works at the college bookstore.

A while back i was buying books and she was asking

me questions and being super friendly, then the following

semester she said hi to me on campus but like a dip

sh** I didnt respond. Now i really want to hook it

up but have this feeling that she is not interested

anymore. Everytime I see her we make eye contact but

I can’t tell if she wants me to go in for the kill.

Please help me so i can go right up to her and talk

to her, I’m having trouble starting out the conversation.



No killing please. Why don’t you just go in for the

email instead? Much less messy. Just get her email

and then take it one step at a time. This is the best

way to find out if it can go somewhere…

[ 编辑者 gogatsu 于日期 08Mar05 ]



I was enjoying a bagel this morning in the outdoor

chairs at a little donut shop I go to on Saturdays.

I doubt if the guy I’m going to tell you about has

ever read your book…but he’s a walking advertisement

for it.

The only other person out there with me was an elderly

woman, who was about 8 years older than God. A guy

pulls up in this old caddie with a USMC license plate

on the front bumper. He’s about a few minutes younger

than her.

This old guy goes in, orders a bag of donuts, and

comes back out. He walks right up to her table and


“Hi ya, toots. You’re a classy lookin’ dame. Are you


She says, “How dare you call me some dame. My given

name is Julia”

This guy never misses a beat. He says, “Got your feathers

ruffled, did I? Well, you know the first airplane

I ever rode in during the war started witha J, too.

She was a hardbody, with a shapely tailpiece. I still

remeber what it felt like to run my hand over her


The old girl, says, “That’s atrocious. You better

have a seat sailor. It sounds like you been away from

shore for too long.”

It was all I could do to keep from busting up laughing.

I didn’t know whether to throw a blanket over them

or go give this codger a high five. He had it down,

buddy, just like you’ve been telling us. This guy

could be me 35 years from now if I follow what you


Keep getting the word out, Dave. We’ll still be using

it when we’re on Viagra.



I love this story. Use the things I’m teaching you

and hopefully you’ll find success before you’re 100

years old and cruising the old folks home for babes…

But, as you can see, the Cocky and Funny technique

works even if you ARE cruising the old folks home…


i’m sorry… the lines in the story is too vulgar…

[ 编辑者 gogatsu 于日期 08Mar05 ]


Well, what can I say, David, you’re a dating God!

Your book is nothing less than a masterpiece. Now

that i’ve got a good handle on some of your techniques,

I’ve had no problem meeting women. I’ve recently started

dating a woman whom is a pleasant distraction. My

fear is she is falling way to hard for me. My problem

is, my friend of two years who I’ve been smitten with

since the beginning is now single. There is another

guy friend of hers who has recently made his feelings

known for her. I’m pretty sure there has always been

chemical tension underneath our friendship. She has

told me things like you have the sexiest voice ever,

I listen to your cd every night cause I love falling

asleep to the sound of your voice, when you’re lost

in thought you have the sexiest eyes. We went for

coffee last night and she touched me 3-5 times on

the hand.

The problem comes in that before your book I was

the nice sensitive guy always bearing my feelings,

catering to a woman’s needs, and very humble. Now

i’ve got a great routine down for getting dates but

she doesn’t know me as that type of person. So i don’t

know how to approach trying to instigate a relationship

with her. Any suggestions??



Yes, I have any suggestions…




Wow, I don’t use that many exclamation marks very


And for the girl who is smitten with you… let her

down easy. This is a great opportunity to borrow a

technique from our book of female dating tactics.

It’s called:

“You’re really nice, but I think that we should be


All’s fair in love and war… just don’t be a bastard.


First off…you are the smartest man alive. I have

really enjoyed reading your litterature and it has

helped me build a confidence I’ve never had before.

Here’s the question… I recently visited an “exotic

dance club” and met an “exotic dancer”. I used the

cocky funny attitude and had a nice chat before my

lap dance. Within minutes afterward… I got her e-mail

addy. The problem is…The setting in which we met

and the circumstances involved. How can I start a relationship

with her without her seeing me as a customer… or

a pervert that liked what he saw and just wants more?

I know it can be done I just need a little insight

from the master. Help me out Mr. Miagi.






After talking to her for a few minutes?

OK, let’s do a quick reality check before you do something

that you’ll regret for a long time…

About 80-90% of the time, exotic dancers are the LAST

type of woman for a “relationship”.

If you’re interested in taking things to the next

level, you need to be cocky and funny, bust her balls

a lot, make sure you keep being a challenge, etc.

Of all the people in the world, these women are probably

pursued by the most men.

If, after going out with her for AT LEAST several

months you can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt


1) She’s not addicted to drugs or alcohol

2) She doesn’t smoke like a fire and have dirty-carpet


3) She wasn’t sexually molested by more than a dozen


4) She isn’t manic-depressive, bi-polar, or borderline

5) You can deal with the idea that she’s not quitting

for you

Then maybe you might consider a “relationship.” I

mean, hey… most exotic dancers are bi-sexual. And

I’ve heard that some of them even know other cute girls

(but I’m not certain on this one). In any case, don’t

forget the protection. Big time.

Oh, and if you change your mind, try finding a woman

who comes from a good family… who has fantastic

relationships with her mother and father… and who

is emotionally mature.

It might surprise you, but I think you’d enjoy a long-term

relationship more with this kind of women.

Just my two cents…


very practical


Your like a god to me! I’ve been going out about

five times as much as I used to (which wasn’t much)

and women see me in a new way. Now for the important

part. I stepped up my cocky/funnyness to the max

and this one girl is crazy about me. She delayed

one date, never stopped appologizing. I teased her

for it all night. She keeps acting so needy and I

can’t get enough of it (I don’t tell her) but that

brings up a question. If she is acting needy to me

and I can’t get enough of it, why did women dump me

when I used to act needy? Please put something about

this in your newsletter.



What’s with all the God comments this week? Let’s

stick with David from now on… I’m not ready for

all of the responsibility.

As for your situation…

The reason why it’s fun for you having her act needy


It’s a nice change.

But trust me, after a short while it gets old. If

she keeps it up, you’ll see. Eventually a mechanism

will kick in and you’ll lose your liking for it…

just like women do at a very young age. But enjoy

it while it’s fresh and fun.


On behalf of all women, I think your e-mail sucked


I am so tired of dating cheap men. There is nothing

wrong with a man who is able to provide doing so.

Let’s face it, men make more money than women.

I’m not a gold digger. Not at all. I’m 34 years

old. I own my own townhouse which I am struggling

to get by with the mortgage and expenses having been

laid off by IBM after almost 7 years.

I do like the e-mail first idea, in fact that is always

what I initiate when I’m out. I’d much rather do

that to get to know someone before the dinner out

but the LAST thing I want to do is have someone show

up late and let me know right up front that he’s not

willing to buy me a cup of tea.

I just spent almost five months with someone who was

making three times my income and we went Dutch on

everything. Am I wrong to want someone to flip

the bill for me? I don’t think so.

Warm regards…


No, there’s nothing “wrong” with you “wanting” someone

to take care of the bill. But there’s also nothing

wrong with a man not paying… or even better, avoiding

typical expensive dating situations all together.

I personally think that starting off a relationship

by paying for things creates an imbalance that isn’t

very healthy.

As an interesting aside: You spent FIVE MONTHS paying

your own way. He obviously had something else going

for him if you spent that long with him… hmmmmm.

I wish I could give him a high five!

Oh, and the little smiley in your email clearly communicates

that you like and want me. Be a little more subtle

next time, OK? Don’t let the world know everything

that’s going on between us! It’s not classy.


okay this guy’s being a bit harsh…


I found your site a couple of months ago and subscribed

to your newsletters and I downloaded the book . I’m

18 years old and I’m in my first year of college, so

you can imagine the hot , young women that are there .

Anyways, I’ve always been the “wuss , loser , nothing

more than a friend” type of guy (man it hurts to admit

it) but since i started reading your e-mails i’ve gotten

so much better. Some of my girlfriends don’t see me

as a friend anymore (I can’t imagine what your book

will do ). So not long ago I’m sitting where everyone

goes to eat and they’re playing "The Fast And The Furious "

on the tv’s when I look down and this really beautiful

woman keeps looking at me . So by the second time our

eyes meet, I smile , at that same moment I’m thinking,

“Wait !!! , remember the e-mails, you always do this

and you always end up as a friend”. The problem was

that she had 2 more of her friends on the table with

her, but she wouldn’t expect me to get up and go to

her, so I got up from my chair and went up to her, she

had that “what is he doing” look, then I sat down on

the table and said, “Hi , I know I’m pretty and that

your attracted to me, but could you maybe hide your

impulses”. Of course this was said in a funny way, with

a cocky look. Her friends started laughing and said,

“she was that obvious , huh?” She was shocked at the

beginning but she relaxed and started laughing. Almost

immediately after that her friends said they were hungry

and left, so I asked for her name and thought to myself,

"Forget the e-mail , just ask her number “. She gave

me her celular number , but I haven’t called her yet.

Anyway thanks for your great advices and I’ll keep you

posted on the outcome.

P.S. For all you wusses out there , you can change

you don’t always have to be this way . Buy the damn

book !!!”


>>>MY COMMENTS: I couldn’t agree more.

like a daily mail

well done!

really? thanks

but seems like nobody wants to look at this

于 2005-03-11 04:58, gogatsu 写:

really? thanks

but seems like nobody wants to look at this

i know some1 who reads this... he told me he spent a whole afternoon reading it once... hehe~ but he hardly ever replies...

but this is appreciated! so keep posting them... cheers.


i appreciate it verrrrrrrrrrrrry much that the buildingmaker can make such an excellent post that it impresses me quite a lot…


于 2005-03-11 05:02, paigewen 写:

i know some1 who reads this… he told me he spent a whole afternoon reading it once… hehe~ but he hardly ever replies…

but this is appreciated! so keep posting them… cheers.


thanks. that makes me feel a lot better.

since i for one dont think his advice is totally without merit.

于 2005-03-11 05:04, EV 写:


i appreciate it verrrrrrrrrrrrry much that the buildingmaker can make such an excellent post that it impresses me quite a lot…



feel free to comment

i think there are quite a few funny lines.

Dealing With TESTS From Women

Mar 11 2005

"You ROCK,

Since I am new to your publication I am unsure if

you get much mail from Australia.

What a difference a week makes. Last Saturday I had

a date with a great young lady. Smart, sexy, beautiful

etc. Well the 1st date didn’t go to badly, some passionate

kissing and fun, but when it came time to try to take

her top off, the answer was a firm NO. That is where

the night ended.

Mustn’t have been too bad cause I got a follow up

date the next Friday, but I also got the cold(ish)

shoulder. What she didn’t know is I got you book

on Wednesday. Wow, what a difference. I realised

she was lining me up for the hoop jumping as a potential

“long term relationship” and sex was at least three

dates away-way too far.

She was playing games, but your book came to the rescue.

When i phoned her to make the date, she said “I will

PENCIL you in”. Well in my old ways I would have said

“Yeah sure”, but there is a new Greg with Double Your

Dating Power. When she tried the line I came back with

“Well let me know. I am a busy man, if you can’t make

it, I need to know-NOW.”

When I picked her up, she kissed me on the cheek (after

playing tonsil hockey the week before, was a little

strange). So I put your strategies into play.

I didn’t touch her for 4 hours, didn’t hit on her,

didn’t look at her, was very standoffish. Went out

of my way to point out her strange behaviour. At

one stage I called her “A walking contradiction”.

When she went down the "But it will change our friendship

if we take this further (read long term relationship)

path-I said “That’s fine, I just want to have a little


When I finally did kiss her she melted. Only for me

to stop after about 45 seconds. I then didn’t touch

her again for about 1/2 an hour.

She finally took her own top off (I couldn’t budge

it 6 days before) and then she said “I will make you

a deal, if I take a piece of clothing off, then you

must take one off as well. She was chasing me!!!

Well we undresses and had a great time for about three

hours. Afterwards, she invited me out! Love your stuff.

Must go and re-read your wonderful words again. I can’t

wait to get the DVD’s.



Often, a woman will test you by RESISTING you,

or by telling you that “things are moving too fast”

or even by asking you what your intentions are with

her long term (when you’ve only known her a short

while, and have no intentions of any kind).

What this gentleman above did was to SEE her bet,

and then RAISE her.

He called her bluff, basically.


It INSTANTLY shifts the power from one side to

the other, and totally changes the situation around.

Points I’d like to comment on:

1) The first time you saw her, you kissed. When you

tried to take off her top, the answer was a “firm


>>>The reason why the answer was a “firm NO” was because

you gave her something to resist. Instead of amplifying

the ATTRACTION in the situation, and building the

ANTICIPATION, you just went for it. Next time, you’ll

know better.

2) The second time you saw her, you didn’t do anything

that even LIGHTLY indicated that you were interested

in her.

>>>Great job! This is perfect. Most guys can’t go

four MINUTES without screwing things up by trying

to kiss a woman, asking her how she’s feeling, or

doing some other Wuss Bag thing that blows everything.

You were able to stay cool and calm for FOUR HOURS…

and allow the tension to build. I guarantee you that

she was wondering what the hell was going on.

3) When you finally did kiss her, you STOPPED after

45 seconds… then didn’t do anything else for a half


>>>Again, great move. Perfect. It doesn’t surprise

me at ALL that she took her own top off, then told

you that you had to take something off as well. This

is what happens when you understand the process by

which women test… and the process by which women

become sexually aroused.

The Attitude For Approaching Women

Mar 15 2005


Jedi Master Dave,

I was receiving your newsletters for a while and finally

went and bought your ebook. And that book is absolute

gold!! I had become single again and had not remembered

the true art of meeting women until now. But I recently

ran into a problem. I was at a party and met this

girl, we’ll call her Cat. She was about an 8 or so.

I was totally using the C & F routine on her and she

was just eating it up. At this party they only had

beer and I wanted to drink something else so as I was

leaving I turned and asked Cat to go with me. As we

got into the car I had “accidentally” left my book

on palm reading on the passenger seat. And so when she

saw this book she asked if I could read her palm right

there in the car. And of course I told her no, maybe

later. So we got back to the party and started reading

her palm and I totally freaked out! It was a blast!!!

Palm reading is the ultimate bridge! It worked amazingly!!

I had told her because of the size of the pad of

her thumb that she was very sensitive to touch, and

slowly ran my fingers up her arm!! It was great!!

So we were hanging out and then I found out one of

my best friends was in the bathroom puking his brains

out. So being the good friend that I am I had to go

and check on him and make sure he was alive. So when

I came back to Cat there was this guy (that I went to

high school with) talking with her, when I arrived he

had left. And Cat told me that the guy had told her

some interesting stuff about me. But she refused

to tell me what he had said. So then she went to kiss

me and I turned my head and refused to kiss her and

I walked away and started talking to some friends of

mine. So she came up to me and told me what he said.

He had told her that I was a player and to be careful

of me. So then the whole rest of the night she kept

on dropping little hints about me being a player. I

just denied it and said that yes I do go out with a

lot of women but I don’t “play” them. So then things

started getting pretty hot and heavy between us. And

she kept on saying “she never does stuff like this

with someone she just met” and “this is moving very

fast” and she had this guard up, how would I go about

getting this guard down when she already has this idea

in her head that I’m a player?! Also in your book you

say not to tell them where you work, live, etc… so

then what do you say when they ask you about it?!

Thanx for your wisdom,

M in Chicago


Wow, cool friend from high school.

I really love JACKASS guys who like to tell women

negative things about you because they’re insecure

and have no game.

Charming, isn’t it?

OK, great job… you’re on track here.

You were actually doing fine, and you didn’t even

realize it…

If you’re getting “hot and heavy” with a woman you’ve

just met, and she starts saying things like “I don’t

do this kind of thing with someone I just met” or

“this is moving fast” it doesn’t mean that she’s not

enjoying it! And it also doesn’t mean she wants to


Often, women just aren’t used to getting physically

involved with a guy so quickly, and their self image

is telling them that this is unusual.

If you want to make light of the situation, just stop

kissing and say “OK, well then let’s just be friends”.

After she opens her mouth with a shocked look, then

KISS her again.

When you hear a woman say “this is moving very fast”,

just realize that you’re doing the RIGHT things, not

the wrong things. “I don’t usually do stuff like this

with someone I’ve just met” usually translates into

“But I’m about to do it now”.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If a woman ever asks you to stop,

pushes you away, or indicates that she does not want

to continue directly, then by all means stop. Never

force yourself on a woman. If you do, you’re a dumb

ass and deserve all the love and affection you’ll

be getting from BUBBA, your new penmate.


Hey man.

I love your stuff, and anyone who doubts that this

cocky and funny stuff works is either blind or simply

has not tried it. I have a question though… would

it be to my advantage to use cocky and funny lines

while in the process of making love to a woman?

I’m not talking about during foreplay or using it

to turn her on or after the sex when she’s curled

up next to you in bed, I mean DURING actual intercourse.

Is this the one time that you should give cocky and

funny a rest and be serious and intimate, or would

you say a woman would enjoy a little teasing while

in the act?


This is a sensitive subject, and it’s a GREAT question.

Being Cocky & Funny is all about flirting, teasing,

and communicating with a woman in a way that shows

that you’re not at all intimidated by her.

It’s not about hurting a woman, making her feel bad,

or being abusive in any way.

But when you’re making love, it’s a special situation.

Most people let their emotional guard down during

the process of having sex, and it’s probably not a

good time to tease and bust on a woman.

That’s my two cents on the subject.


Hey Davemeister, I was wondering if cocky and funny

techniques would work for a woman? I have been getting

your newsletters for several months now and I love

reading all the success stories. It is interesting

to see the male psyche in action. I can agree with

so much of what you say. Women hate wusses!!! I just

wondered if guys would buy into a woman acting funny

and cocky. I can play off of a guy who is being cocky

and funny, but have never tried it as a pick up.

Any advice for the females?

SH ~Nashville~


Cocky & Funny works GREAT for women.

Unfortunately, most guys are total WUSSES, and therefore

can’t handle it.

I’m doing my very best to change this, but it might

take a little while…

You’ll find that most guys will buckle if you bust

on them too much too early… but this is kind of

a good thing, because it weeds out the girly-men early

for you… and helps you find ME faster.

Kiss Kiss



You have oft said to avoid cocky and funny at the

VERY beginning, and bring it in later, and my experiences

reflect this. I have found that there is a fairly

large percentage of girls who do not respond well

to this type of interaction when you are trying to

get her email.

Certainly a large enough percentage to make me convinced

that there has to be a better way.

Your ebook details specific things to say in this

critical first 3 minutes, but as we both know, what

you say is not nearly as important as how you say

it. So my question is, what has worked best for you

in terms of what characteristics to convey in this

first interaction? If not cocky and funny, then what?

Thanks again,



I love you, man. And that’s not my mineral water talking.

This is a VERY intelligent question. I wish I would

have thought of it myself.

You’re right. I’ve found that if you want to just

walk up to a woman and walk away with her number 3

minutes later that it’s better to be more DIRECT about


If you’re in a bar, and the girl standing next to

you starts up a conversation, then it makes sense

to move right into the flirting, Cocky & Funny attitude.

But if you want to approach women and get numbers/emails

quickly, then you need something a little different.

I personally think that you need to convey a direct,

matter of fact air of “this is the most natural thing

in the world”.

If you act like it’s normal and natural, then she


If you act uncomfortable and nervous, then she will

do that too.

Most guys are very nervous about approaching and

starting conversations with women. They get all uptight

and start acting sketchy at just the THOUGHT of walking

up to a woman and asking her for her number.

If you can just realize that women WANT to meet men,

and that they want men to approach them, it makes

you consider that women probably want guys who aren’t

acting nervous and insecure. Right?

So be direct.

If you’d like, you can use the “One Compliment” approach.

Give her a compliment to start the conversation (but

don’t give her any more for a LOOOOOONG time).

Pause to create an air of mystery.

Try “Hi, you are… … beautiful and I had to take

a moment to meet you.”

The pause is priceless. Look directly into her eyes

as you talk… and as you pause. This communicates

that you’re NOT AFRAID of her.

Then make small talk for a minute. Ask her name, ask

her if she’s from the area, etc. Then use the 3 Minutes

email/number technique.

The objective is to get her information, not to start

an interesting dialogue.

Now, if you want to ask her to coffee right on the

spot, etc. then you might want to be Cocky & Funny

right off the bat.

Remember that there’s always time to show off your

Cocky & Funny charm the next time you see her.

cool some1 will benefit greatly from this…

en? who will that be?

someone you know?