[Recreation]What Women Want [UPDATE Nov 2]

ouch, did you ever get back?

“Women Don’t Make Sense”. Here’s what I


I believe:

1) Women make decisions very, very quickly about whether

a man is going to be “just a friend” or if he has

romantic potential, and once her decision is made,

it’s probably going to stay made.

2) These decisions are made “unconsciously”, meaning

that women make all of them quickly and at a “gut


3) If you know how, you make her feel attraction feelings

rather than “friend” feelings.

4) The way to do it is to stop acting “nice” and start

acting, well… something else… and I don’t mean

“not nice”.

As much as many women would hate to admit it, there’s

something very attractive about a man who is just a

little more confident than he should be. And if you

combine this with the right amount of humor, you have

a magic combination that will charm almost any woman.

Here are a few ways to use this idea:

1) When you first meet a woman, tease her about something.

It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you do it early on.

For instance, you might say: “So what’s with the big

purse? Are you carrying a gun in there?” or maybe “Those

are some pretty tall shoes, what are you like 4’ tall

without them?” If you tease a woman, it shows that

you’re not intimidated by her, and that you have a fun

sense of humor. Key: Make sure you say something FUNNY.

If you don’t know how to be funny, get a book on it.

The test: If she’s not laughing, then it wasn’t funny!

2) Look around at other things and seem kind of pre-occupied

when you first start talking to her. Make your funny

remarks with a carefree, detached tone. You want to

sound like you’re talking to your best friend. Attractive

women are approached all the time. It’s not attractive

to a woman when you look like you’ve just met Madonna.

This “just a little too confident” attitude is very

attractive to women… especially when it’s combined

with humor.

3) Don’t answer her questions directly. Women love

to ask questions like: “What do you do?” and “Where

do you live?” and “Tell me about your family”. Answer

with funny answers, and don’t give her what she wants.

Most guys say “Oh, I’m an engineer” or “I’m a stock

broker”. BORING,BORING. If she asks what you do, say

“Oh, funny you should ask. I’m a Calvin Klein Underwear

Model… What do you do?..” (This is especially funny

if it’s OBVIOUS that you are NOT a model) Do you get

it? Keep it up and keep her laughing.

It’s important to remember that I’m not telling

you to be mean, or to be a jerk to women. I’m telling

you to start being confident, funny, and mysterious.

于 2005-03-28 08:15, gogatsu 写:

ouch, did you ever get back?

yep, i came back..starting thinking gals in another way, not bad..

it’s kinda like wht the guy do in Hitch? have you seen the movie?? that really matchs a lot…

and by the way… i changed the color to red… seems to me that you r going to continue this for a while which is not that offen here… NIce.

于 2005-03-28 08:17, yi_iy 写:

yep, i came back…starting thinking gals in another way, not bad…

what? what do you mean “thinking gals in another way”? i thought you were a girl…

I didn’t see Hitch…

o and thanks for changing the color to red.

do you think it’s helping with english learning tho? haha, you can think of it as learning about their “culture” too

and seriously!!!

anyone reading this besides the moderators? I’m getting discouraged

Meeting Women With “Personal Ads”

Mar 29 2005



Here’s an example

from a girl that lives in my neighborhood:

“I’d like to eventually settle down with someone that

I can look to as a best friend and that I can laugh

with. I enjoy traveling, working out, yoga, music,

and dining out in NYC. I am playful and fun and have

a lot to offer the right man. I believe that the best

relationships are based on friendship. I am genuine,

kind and compassionate and I am looking for the same

in a man.

My ideal match is the kind of guy that isn’t afraid

of being himself. He knows what he wants and goes for

it. He is confident, not cocky. He is a person of

good character, high morals and loyal. He is thoughtful,

considerate and knows how to treat a lady. Last but

not least, my ideal man is attractive with a good

sense of humor”.

I can’t think of anything cocky to say to this…or

how to communicate that I’m a sexually aware man. I’m

not really sure what you mean by sexually aware anyway,

unless you mean sexually successful…like when you

know you’re hot and women want you.

So, can you help me understand how you’d respond to

an ad like this?




Remember, women who run personal ads are getting TONS

of responses.

If you’re going to play the personals, stay current

with them, and contact women as soon as they place

their ad. This way you’ll be one of the first to start

a conversation with her… as opposed to the 497th

guy. At some point, the hundreds of men who are responding

to a woman’s personal ad all run together into a big

lump of desperate men. So be first if you can.

Second, forget about trying to respond to a woman’s

personal ad by reading it, thinking about it, considering

what she’s looking for, and then responding in a way

that she will find interesting.

No no no!

The ad you sent in above could have been run by any

woman in any part of the world… it might as well

be a generic ad template for women.

The one thing this ad DOESN’T mention (and the one

thing that NO female personal ads EVER mention) is

what makes this woman feel ATTRACTION for a man.

Think about it for a minute…

This woman sat down one night at her computer, and

said to herself “I’m tired of the dating game. Maybe

if I put a personal ad online and describe the kind

of guy I’m looking for, Prince Charming will find

me and we’ll live happily ever after”.

Can’t you just FEEL it in her words?

“I’d like to eventually settle down with someone that

I can look to as a best friend and that I can laugh


“I believe that the best relationships are based on


And the whole last paragraph is priceless…

“My ideal match is the kind of guy that isn’t afraid

of being himself. He knows what he wants and goes

for it. He is confident, not cocky. He is a person

of good character, high morals and loyal. He is thoughtful,

considerate and knows how to treat a lady. Last but

not least, my ideal man is attractive with a good

sense of humor…”

So what do most guys do when they read an ad like

this one?

Of course… they write back something like:

“Hi, I’m a nice attractive SWM who has a sense of

humor, high morals, is honest, and also believes that

a good friendship is the foundation for a great



Someone bring me a bucket, because I’m gonna PUKE.

Look, when a woman is writing a PERSONAL ad, she’s

usually at a point in her life where she’s lonely…

and has often lost hope of finding a long-term companion

in the real world.

OF COURSE she’s going to write all this sappy stuff.

But that doesn’t change ANYTHING about what is going

to get her attention and make her feel ATTRACTION.

Again, my gut tells me that you’re trying to figure

out how to answer this kind of personal ad with a

WUSSY response that will make her love you. Don’t.

And to address your question of how to communicate

that you’re a confident, sexually aware man…

You do this by NOT trying to please her, say what

she wants to hear, and kiss up to her.

It sounds to me like you need to spend more time studying

the materials you have, practicing your Cocky & Funny

skills, and making your personality more interesting…

and less time chasing women who are looking for an

open, honest, Yoga-loving husband via the personal




I’ve noticed that on your newsletters or e-book you

haven’t commented on hypnotic language which some

guys use to seduce women. Is it worth looking into

or is it more work than its worth? What is your opinion

on this subject? I know that with your vast amount

of knowledge, you have a worthwhile opinion in this





I’ve tried all this stuff… and, in fact, I know

quite a bit about the topic of “hypnosis”. I was fascinated by

it several years ago… and, for certain things, it

seems to be of great use.

But if you try it you’ll find, just as I did, that

it’s a very INDIRECT way to accomplish your objective,

it’s very abnormal, and it feels sneaky.

Once you understand that you can actually cause women

to feel ATTRACTION for you by just cultivating certain

natural personality traits like confidence and humor,

all else becomes irrelevant.

I know a lot of guys who are successful with women,

and the general consensus is that you MUST get your

inner game together FIRST. You must understand how

and why women are attracted to men FIRST. Then, you

must cultivate the ability to make women feel that

ATTRACTION for you with just your communication and

body language.

Once you learn this skill, you can use ANYTHING and

it will work.

In other words, once you’re good at meeting women,

you can use juggling fire to meet women… and it

will work.

But if you DON’T “get it” and understand what makes

women feel ATTRACTION for men, then no amount of

tricks, hypnosis, or standing on your head is going

to make a damn bit of difference.

I don’t think that most guys want to have to “seduce”

women. I think that most guys want women to feel

ATTRACTION for them.

Here’s a definition for “seduction”:

“The act of seducing; enticement to wrong doing; specifically,

the offense of inducing a woman to consent to unlawful

sexual intercourse, by enticements which overcome

her scruples; the wrong or crime of persuading a woman

to surrender her chastity.”

Techniques to “seduce” women make your stomach feel

strange… because they’re usually dishonest or sneaky.

And techniques to seduce women that involve using

things like hypnosis and other covert mind-control

not only make your stomach turn when you use them,

but they also don’t WORK as well as the things I’m

teaching you.


To my mate, Dave.

The main question I want to ask is in regards to going

out by myself. I walk inside a club or a bar and I

always get asked the same old question …“Who are

you here with”. I typically answer by myself. This

causes uncertainty and I feel that I am telling the

lady ‘Ohh, well I am lonely’ (Note that the same happens

with guys & mind you, I am straight). The answer,

by myself is honest but triggers a negative outcome,

so what do I say?

For some silly reason I get the impression that the

other person is thinking to themselves, “ohh, the

poor thing”.

One very bad thought I have, is if a women sees a

guy approach her by himself, she automatically thinks,

ok, this guy has no social life, he is lonely and he

must be desperate, so quickly what do I do to turn

him off. Look, your advice on the CD does help but

I personally think that a lot of this stuff takes

time and effort and should not be looked as a quick

aspirin cure.

PLEASE!!! tell me the following questions:-

- If a guy or a girl asks me “who am I here with”

what is a good answer?

- Is it natural for a guy to go out by himself?

(i.e are there other guys who do the same?)

Awaiting your response.

>From “Il”



Wow, these are great questions…

I think you’ve hit on a couple of topics that are

MAJOR issues for a lot of men.

I know that they were for me in the not-too-distant


OK, to answer your question about what to do if a

woman asks “who are you here with?”…

It’s time for Dr. Dave The Mind Reading Dating Psychologist

to make an appearance…

I’m going to make a few guesses about what’s going

through your mind.

Hell, since I’m making some guesses, let’s just wrap

up both of your questions into one:

“Is it cool to go out alone, and what should I do

if I’m out along and a woman asks me who I’m with?”

My first guess is that you’re feeling self-conscious

about the idea of being alone.

You said:

“One very bad thought I have, is if a woman sees a

guy approach her by himself, she automatically thinks,

ok, this guy has no social life, he is lonely and

he must be desperate, so quickly what do I do to turn

him off.”

It’s obvious that you have all kinds of insecurity

issues here, and they’re really messing with your


The next guess I have is that you’re still stuck in

the mindset of “pleasing women” and “saying what they

want to hear”.

At some level, you’re asking me what to say to a woman

who DISAPPROVES of the idea that you’re out alone.

Are you with me here?

Here are a few pointers for you:

1) What other people think of you is the last thing

you should be thinking about.

Now, don’t take this to mean that you should never

change your underwear or brush your teeth, because

it doesn’t matter what other think.

That’s not what I’m saying.

What I AM saying is that if you go out alone, and

you meet a woman who thinks you’re a TOTAL LOSER for

not being out with friends, it shouldn’t matter to


You’re not looking for THAT woman.

2) Going out alone is great.

I used to be VERY uptight about the idea of going

out alone. It took me quite awhile before I was really

comfortable with the idea.

And when women would ask me about it, I’d try to figure

out some good excuse to give them… or way to explain

it so I didn’t appear to be a loser.

Well guess what I’ve learned since?

Most of the guys I know who are AMAZING with women

go out alone often.

In fact, if you really think about it, a guy who has

the confidence to go out alone, KNOWING that he’s

going to meet a woman that he enjoys… and is keeping

his options open, so if he chooses to go home with

her, etc. he can… is amazing.

That takes balls.

3) When a woman asks you “Who are you here with?”

you have a few basic options.

-You can answer her directly (“I’m here alone”)

-You can lie (“My friends will be here soon”)

-You can turn the question around (read on)

Now, if you answer directly and say “I’m here alone”

in a weak, tentative, self conscious, insecure voice,

you’re going to look like a Wuss Bag loser.

Women aren’t attracted to men who feel like losers.

And answering questions directly is usually uninteresting.

You can also lie.

A lot of guys lie about things… from what they do

to what they think of a woman… to how much they


Lying is a trap, because it makes you feel bad, AND

it screws up your mind. I don’t recommend it.

But there is another way!

And it’s my favorite (of course).


If you remember that women are CONSTANTLY testing

you when you interact with them, and you are always

looking for places and ways to demonstrate your Cocky

& Funny wit, you’ll see incredible opportunity in

situations like this.

She asks “Who are you here with?”

You answer “I’m here with you” .


She smiles, laughs a little, and says “OK, seriously…

who are you here with?”

You answer “Look, I only know you a few minutes and

already you’re trying to meet my friends? By the end

of the week you’re going to be over at my mom’s house

talking about our wedding. Slow down!”

Now what’s going on here?

What you’re subtly saying is “It doesn’t matter who

I’m here with… and by the way, If I am here by myself,

I’m not at all insecure about it…”

Guys ask me all the time how to deal with questions

and challenges from women.


You don’t have to.

Just be charming, funny, and difficult.

It works much better, and it’s a hell of a lot more

fun for you and her.


Hey Dave you are right the C & F seem to work but

I wanna ask you something…how often are you supposed

to be c & f? I mean, are yu supposed to sprinkle

it in during a normal convo or should yu use it moderately

or at every single thing she says? I ask b/c id like

to hold a normal convo also & in your opinion wat

would be best? Im interested in your opinion on this.


New York


The more you use it, the more you’ll get a feel for

how much to use Cocky & Funny.

Use it a LOT in the beginning, on the first outing

for a cup of tea, during the first dates, etc.

The exception is if you don’t have a lot of time,

and you want to get a woman’s number/email fast. In

that case, use the 3 minute technique in Double Your

Dating, and as described in a past newsletter that

you’ve probably read. In those cases, it takes too

much time.

Also, as you get to know a woman, you’ll have more

and more “normal” conversations…

Never stop being Cocky & Funny, unpredictable, etc.

But you can ease up a little as you get to know a

woman better.

Use it… and you’ll get it.



I’m a 30-Year-old African American Male, who was voted

best looking in High School, and I make over 100K/year…

So I generally do not have that hard of a time initially

meeting women… But would always screw it up with

the women that I really found interesting… I was

being a wuss…

I’d meet multiple women in a night out with the boys…

There would be the one’s that I really liked… The

9+'s, and the one’s that I kinda liked, but was not

too excited about… The 6’s and 7’s

The way I approached the 9+ was all wussie…and I

usually never even got the phone number, but if I

did, I would immediately try to make her like me,

be a general pain in the ass, calling all the time,

etc. And not get anywhere past an initial phone


The way that I approached the 7 was different because

I did not feel intimidated by her…and most importantly

could kinda care less if I spoke to her or not…

I usually had no fear of telling a joke, or busting

on her… The result being that she sensed the confidence

and really liked me…If it progressed any further

she would always reach out to me… calling all the

time, and be a general pain in the ass…

So my question is this:

How can I make the same response happen with women

that I am interested in? The hot, intelligent, 9’s

and 10’s…The ebook has helped tremendously, but

I’m not there yet…

Is there some mental trick that I can play so that

I act the same way with all women (cock/funny), Not

just 6’s and 7’s???

Your help is much appreciated, and much success my

friend you deserve it!!


Atlanta, GA


As for the REALLY attractive women, there are a few

things you need to keep in mind:

1) These women are approached A LOT. And I mean ALL

THE TIME. The real hotties of the world are so used

to being approached by men that they should all be

given honorary black belts in Wuss Detection And


Super hot women have a lot of choice when it comes

to men, so they choose the best they can get.

If your game isn’t REALLY together, you’ll do little

things when you’re interacting with these women that

will clue them in to the fact that you don’t really

know how to play on their level.

And I’m talking LITTLE things.

Remember, these women are approached all the time

by men, and they have learned to make very quick decisions

based on very little information.

A little comment, a certain look, or a little gesture

that hints to her that you want her approval is all

it takes.

You’re doing fine… you’ll get it soon enough.

Just stick with it.

You’re asking me how to meet the kinds of women that

most men would sell their mom into slavery for one

date with.

You’re on the right track, and the more you practice

and improve, the more success you’ll have.



Hello Dave, my question is has follows: What your

opinion on women that work has exotic dancers? I’ve

generally heard that they have some type of issue

where they feel they need to dominate/control men,

now obviously we can’t stereotype all of them, but

generally speaking what’s the scoop on these types

of women? A response would be appreciated.


San Antonio,TX



Dancers are notorious for dating brutish, abusive,

loser guys who have no life…

Dancers usually have all kinds of issues…

Dancers are used to men kissing up to them and giving

them money just to look at them…


Tell them they’re the most successful sex change you’ve

seen lately.

Ask them what they’re going to be when they grow up.

Don’t look at them while they’re dancing.

If you play their game, you become another one of

the hundreds of dumb-ass guys that they take money


If you completely avoid their game and instead play

your own, you will stand out.

This is where EXTREME ball busting and Cocky & Funny

are most useful.


Be careful what you wish for.

You are looking for trouble if you don’t know how

to handle powerful women.

If you’re not careful, you’re going to email me next

week saying “Wow, that ball busting stuff really works

with dancers. The only problem is that she stole my

car and all my money, and now her drug dealer is calling

me all the time to find out where she is…”

If you want a first-class ticket to a Quentin Tarantino

movie, start dating a lot of dancers.

And no, I’m not talking Jackie Brown kind of freaky,

I’m talking FOUR ROOMS kind of freaky.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


Dear Dave, I have been reading your newsletter for

about a year now and it works great!! True genius!!!

I have always been cocky and funny even before knowing

what c&f was, you just helped me realize exactly why

I was succeeding with women. There is this girl who

is probably a 9-10, but has had a boyfriend for some

time now. I have been cocky and funny with her since

the day i met her (btw shes a bartender) and she really

seems to respond to it. She poured me a drink once and

after I tasted it I said to her “whoa this is really

strong, are you trying to get me drunk to take advantage

of me,” and she responded by saying “oh yea baby” and

smiled at me and rubbed my arm. My question is as

follows: I really want this girl and she seems to

respond to my cocky and funny routine, in fact I think

she likes me, but what do I do about the boyfriend

situation?? What are the odds I can actually end up

with this chick??

GB Orlando


OK, so what you’re trying to tell me is that the only

attractive woman in ORLANDO, FLORIDA is a bartender

with a long term boyfriend?

Hey, good idea…since there are only about a million

or so single women in your area, why not pick one

who’s already seeing someone?


Stop that!

If a woman has a boyfriend, just walk away, man.

Every month or two, when you’re ordering a drink from

her, say “Hey, are you still married?”

This is funny, because you’re busting on her and at

the same time asking if she’s still with her BF.

At some point she’ll probably say “No, I just dumped

him”. Most relationships end, so stay in touch.

And in the meantime, do something productive with

your time… like dating some of the single women

in your area who don’t have boyfriends that are probably

the jealous 6’6" 250 pound meathead bouncer at the

bar who likes to beat up guys for fun.


All I can tell you is, the guys without money (some

of whom are naturally cocky and funny) get no women;

the guys with money, whether they’re ugly, fat, or

dull have the women pursuing them. That’s reality–

I’ve seen it happen so many times that it’s become

a standing joke among all the single guys I know!

Around here (Chicago), a woman ascertains a man’s

earning potential within five minutes of meeting,

and if he’s lacking, she is gone in a cloud of dust!



You know, what you’re saying makes perfect sense.

Except, how do you explain the probably 2 or 3 million

adult men in the Chicago area who have a lot to middle

class income who are MARRIED?

I have a good friend who lives in Chicago who I personally

watched get 25 different women’s phone numbers in

the course of one weekend.

He lived in a little apartment with a couple of other

people, made very little money, and dressed casually.

I think you need to get some new friends.

Try making friends with guys who are SUCCESSFUL with

women, instead of guys who like to sit around coming

up with “standing jokes” about why they suck with


Sure, money helps. Duh.

But money doesn’t create ATTRACTION. Sorry.

Get rid of your helpless mentality, and get out there

and make something happen for yourself!

Making excuses for why you can’t succeed personally

in life is one of the WORST uses for your amazing


Stop it!


What up dave? There’s no longer any doubt that this

stuff works! It’s really great to actually know what

you’re doing when dealing with women, rather than

aimlessly trying to meet them… anyway my question…

I met this chick at a party and before she left, i

asked her if she had e-mail. She said, “how about my

phone number?” I told her that it’s hard to get people

on the phone but i’d take it., she then writes her #

down and said "I wrote my e-mail down too but i’ll

think you’re a dork if you e-mail me, kind of jokingly.


Then, other guys/friends delayed her leaving. so while

i was back with my friends, she came where i was sitting

right before she left and said., “you’re going to call

me right”, smiling. i was already kind of drunk and

i just nodded and said ‘yeah’ in an indifferent tone

cause i knew she liked me… but i could’ve said something



1. What would have been cocky+funny thing to say when

she said …“but i’ll think you’re a dork if you e-mail

me…” and should i then proceed to e-mail!?

2. When she comes back and asks if I’m going to call

her, what’s the best thing i can say to bust on her in

this situation?

I appreciate everything you’re doing, david. please

keep the newsletters coming!

–D Jax, FL


To answer the “I’ll think you’re a dork if you email

me” I probably would have said:

“You’ll think I’M a dork? Hey, you’re the dorky CHICK

who has email…”

And when a woman says “you’re going to call me, right?”

it means that she’s REALLY into you… as you know.

So why not smile and say “Why should I? What’s in

it for me?”

Then, when she says “What do you want?” you can answer

with all kinds of great things…


“Can you cook?”

“Can I have anything I want?” (my personal favorite)

…this is a great line of humor, and women love it.


Hi David,

thanks for all your great info that i have been receiving

over the past several months. i have been putting

into practice the things i learned from your e-book

and newsletters with much improved results in the

dating scene…in a few of your newsletters

you mentioned that jealousy is the strongest of all

emotions. how do you deal with it if it is the woman

who tries to make you jealous. whats the best mindset

and way to handle it david.




Jealousy is an interesting topic.

I’m not sure that I said it was the “strongest” of

all emotions… but I probably did say that it was

one of the most powerful.

Jealousy causes people to do all sorts of stupid things…

but it can also keep relationships together.

If a woman knows that other women are interested in

you, she’ll want you more.

If a man finds out that his girl is sleeping with

another man, he can fly into a rage that often leads

to violence (or worse).

Women are notorious for trying to make men jealous.

Many women intuitively realize that jealousy will

make a man more interested and make him work harder

for her attention and affection.

If a woman tries to make me jealous, I just laugh.

If she says:

“Oh, this guy I used to date called me last night

to see if I was single…”

I might laugh and say:

“Well you should go out with him.”

At this point a woman will usually realize that what

she’s doing isn’t working and say “No, I don’t like

him, why do you say that?”

It’s important to overcome the natural tendency in

life to have your emotions triggered by outside events.

It takes some work in many cases, but it’s worth it.

Jealousy is an almost useless emotion. Do your best

to realize that you don’t need it… and then communicate

that you’re not easily played… and you don’t get

jealous over other men.

Works wonders, and makes you even more attractive.


I met this girl…and I know that she is the one for

me. I can feel it, and have felt if since I first

met her. At first, I can tell she was attracted to

me…we hung out for like 13 hrs the first time we

ever met, went out after that, and I had used the

cocky - making fun of her thing. Then I got all wuss

like and told her how I felt.

Now, we dont see each other all that often, I know

that she has gone out with another guy, and she told

me that he was a total dick to her.

Question is…can I get her attraction to me back

by starting to do the cocky thing again??? This

along with talking about other women that I am talking

to and hanging out with…would this possibly get

her interest back in me???

I need help on this.




Yea, you need help on this.


Why did you stop doing what worked originally?

Don’t make me come down there and shake you!

You’re probably out of luck at this point, but if

you want to try and MAKE some luck, then get back

to doing what works.

You don’t need me to tell you this stuff again.

Don’t be a Wussy, man. Women aren’t attracted to Wussies.


Hey Dave,

I’ve known this italian girl since

the summer. It started out as an internet thing in

a chatroom as with my natural humor and new set of

balls, I got hooked into me. Fast forward to a few

months in November, we still kept talking and views

me as a “Friend”, even though we didn’t even send a

single picture to one another. Things are going so

well, that she decides that we should meet up somewhere.

We did, and I bet every reader in this room would be

very very very jealous if they saw me with this girl.

Things went well on this “get together”, I busted

her balls, made her laugh, and her facial expressions

were mostly “What the…” look with sometimes leaving

her speechless. At the end, she said I was definaly

a keeper…wee. Fast forward to a few days ago, and

now she tells me that she had sex with her ex-boyfriend

who “she loved” and hasn’t seen a long time. The

reason why they broke up is because he had to move,

they were both in good terms. Even though the ex is

currently seeing someone else, who he claims he is

not interested in this “other”, they still did it.

She said at the end that she views me as a “friend”

My question: What gives? She was taking initiative

to even ask me out, which is something that 0.001%

of girls ask for, she compliments me, kisses me, the

whole package, yet just a few days ago she tells me

that she loves her ex?

For some reason I am going to get the feeling you

are going to go on with my life, wish I could, but

even though I did “double my dating”, my dates haven’t

been all that fulfilling. Lets say my best date besides

this one was some Swedish Figure Skater who kept talking

about her past 90000 boyfriends.


Oh, yea. I really feel for you.

In the months since you’ve been reading these newsletters

and few WEEKS since you’ve read my book you’ve dated

a super-hot Italian girl and a Swedish Figure Skater.

And your dates haven’t been “all that fulfilling”.

Bummer, man.

OK, as for your Italian girl who slept with her ex.

These things happen, man.

Welcome to life on Earth.

My book is called “Double Your Dating”, not “How to

make sure every relationship with every woman in your

life turns out like a movie”.

Get out there and date some more women!

That’ll get your mind off of the Italian girl (who

you obviously feel attached to)… and onto some other

super-babes that you have yet to meet.